Rationale: The dietary protein counselling of the VITAMIN trial showed to be effective in increasing the protein intake in community-dwelling older adults up to 1.41 g/kg/day after 6-months intervention and sustaining this intake up to 1.24 g/kg/day at 12-months. In this sub-analysis we determine how the increased protein intake was established. Methods: The VITAMIN (VITal AMsterdam older adults IN the city) RCT randomised older adults into: control, exercise, or exercise plus dietary counselling (protein) group. The dietary counselling intervention was blended, by use of face-to-face contacts and videoconferencing during a 6-month intervention, followed by a 6-month follow-up. Dietary intake was measured by a 3d dietary record at 0, 6 and 12 months (m). Sub-group analysis included characterisation of protein sources, product groups, resulting amino acid intake, and intake per meal moment. Linear Mixed Models were performed with SPSSv25; whereas time and time*group interaction were defined as fixed factors, and the protein group as reference.Results: In total 212 subjects were eligible for analysis (72.2 ± 6.3y), with an average protein intake at baseline of 77.8 (20) g/day and 1.08 (0.3) g/kg/day. Animal protein (g) accounted as major source (6m +25.6 (2.7) p<0.001 | 12m +15.6 (2.8) p<0.001), with the main increase in dairy products (g) (6m +14.2 (1.5) p<0.001 | 12m +10.0 (1.5) p<0.001), followed by fish and meat. This resulted in significant changes in amino acid intake: e.g. leucine (g) 6m +2.3 (0.3) p<0.001 | 12m +1.1 (0.3) p<0.001. Significant increased intake for the protein group was seen at all 6 meal moments, and particularly at breakfast (g) 6m +6.2 (1.0) p<0.001 | 12m +6.5 (1.1) p<0.001) and lunch (g) 6m +7.2 (1.3) p<0.001 | 12m +4.0 (1.3) p=0.003.Conclusions: Blended dietary counselling was effective in increasing protein intake in a lifestyle intervention in community-dwelling older adults. This was predominantly achieved by consuming more animal protein sources, particularly dairy products, and especially during breakfast and lunch. Keywords: Ageing, Behaviour change, E-health, Nutrition, Protein
Unhealthy eating behaviors and low levels of physical activity are major problems in adolescents and young adults in vocational education. To develop effective intervention programs, more research is needed to understand how different types of motivation contribute to health behaviors. In the present study, Self-Determination Theory is used to examine how motivation contributes to dietary and physical activity behaviors in vocational students. This cross-sectional study included 809 students (mean age 17.8 ± 1.9 years) attending vocational education in the Netherlands. Linear multilevel regression analyses were used to investigate the association between types of motivation and dietary and physical activity behaviors. Amotivation was negatively associated with breakfast frequency and positively associated with diet soda consumption and high-calorie between-meal snacks. A positive association was found between autonomous motivation and water intake, breakfast frequency, fruit intake, and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Autonomous motivation was negatively associated with the consumption of unhealthy products. Controlled motivation was not associated with physical activity or dietary behaviors. Different types of motivation seem to explain either healthy or unhealthy dietary behaviors in vocational students. Autonomous motivation, in particular, was shown to be associated with healthy behaviors and could therefore be a valuable intervention target.
Bijen zijn door hun rol in het bestuiven van planten volstrekt onmisbaar voor het behoud van flora en fauna in Nederland én zij hebben een cruciale economische functie in de land- en tuinbouw. Al een aantal jaren is het duidelijk dat actie nodig is om bijen te beschermen. In 2013 heeft het toenmalige kabinet een Actieprogramma Bijengezondheid gepresenteerd. Dat richtte zich vooral op de honingbij. Deze nieuwe Nationale Bijenstrategie richt zich op alle ‘bestuivers’, in het bijzonder de vele wilde bijensoorten. In Nederland horen juist wilde bijen tot de voornaamste bestuivers. Meer dan de helft van de wilde bijensoorten staat echter op de Rode Lijst. Zij worden met uitsterven bedreigd. In 2017 is in Nederland breed onderkend dat meer insecten in de gevarenzone verkeren. Daarom hebben wetenschappers en maatschappelijke organisaties stappen gezet voor een Deltaplan Biodiversiteitsherstel groene ruimte van Nederland. Verbinding tussen de bijenstrategie en dit deltaplan is van groot belang. Met deze nieuwe strategie willen wij tot een alomvattende aanpak komen om alle bijensoorten en andere bestuivers blijvend te behouden. Daarvoor hebben wilde bijen twee dingen nodig: nestelgelegenheid en voldoende voedselaanbod, zeg maar: bed & breakfast for bees. In de vele initiatieven waaraan wordt gewerkt en in deze strategie zijn drie kernthema’s vastgesteld, namelijk 1) het bevorderen van de biodiversiteit, 2) het verbeteren van de wisselwerking tussen landbouw en natuur en 3) het helpen van imkers om de gezondheid van de honingbij te verbeteren.