Implementing Product-Service System Business Models in the Building and Construction Sector
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Emissiefactoren voor vakanties. Update voor accommodaties, activiteiten, vaartuigen en vakantietypes Actualisatie mei 2024.
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Comparing the Effectiveness of the Blended Delivery Mode With the Face-to-Face Delivery Mode of Smoking Cessation Treatment
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Numerical Simulation as a Precedence Method
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Factsheet Bezorgeconomie : de effecten op mobiliteit, milieu en leefomgeving
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A randomized study of the effect of carbonated water prior to myocardial SPECT
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Thermoharders: kort & bondig
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Differences in acetate recovery factor between groups may interfere with tracer estimates of fat oxidation (letter to the editor)
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Reduced oxidation rates of ingested glucose during prolonged exercise with low endogenous CHO availability
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