Considering the challenges on sustainable agriculture in the district, different institutions join hands to overcome these issues and respond to the felt need of working more integrative both in the agricultural sector and environmental knowledge system. Adding a sense of urgency due to COVID-19 into problem analysis, these institutions accelerated the ambition to develop a Digital Farmer Field School (DFFS). This paper elaborates on the co-construction of principles for the design of a Digital Farmer Field School (DFFS) by the local stakeholders in Enrekang district. The local design team design of the DFFS Enrekang is composed of a transdisciplinary team from relevant government institutions and research institutions. The design principles of DFFS are built around inclusive design principles, concepts of interface usability based on different type of access to digital technology models, responsible innovation criteria and learning principles of farmer field school (FFS). The DFFS Enrekang design principles serve as guiding principles and shared value among the collaborating institutions to combine ambition, inspiration, and accountability in the DFFS management and development processes. This tablet based digital learning platform aims to provide an alternative for farmers to access information on sustainable agricultural and environmental practices.
All social media should have a sticker saying 'Don't Jump for the Tool!' While it is tempting 'to use Twitter', the choice of a medium like Twitter cannot be seen in isolation of strategic goals, instruments and expected results, i.e. a communication strategy. We designed a board game, called the Media Strategy Game, which makes professionals aware of the choices and opportunities involved in developing a communication strategy. By playing the game, assumptions about objectives and results are made explicit and awareness is created for the activities needed to achieve objectives. The game therefore serves to stimulate discussions, provides insights for the development of an efficient media policy, and helps to create consensus. While designed for professionals who need to communicate a message inside or outside of an organization, it has also proved very valuable in trainings and in higher education. Recently a workbook has been added to the board game that helps professionals to formulate their communication strategy by providing 16 hands-on models for business strategy, business modelling, leveraging tools and formulating indicators to measure impact.
Background: Many intervention development projects fail to bridge the gap from basic research to clinical practice. Instead of theory-based approaches to intervention development, co-design prioritizes the end users’ perspective as well as continuous collaboration between stakeholders, designers, and researchers throughout the project. This alternative approach to the development of interventions is expected to promote the adaptation to existing treatment activities and to be responsive to the requirements of end users. Objective: The first objective was to provide an overview of all activities that were employed during the course of a research project to develop a relapse prevention intervention for interdisciplinary pain treatment programs. The second objective was to examine how co-design may contribute to stakeholder involvement, generation of relevant insights and ideas, and incorporation of stakeholder input into the intervention design. Methods: We performed an embedded single case study and used the double diamond model to describe the process of intervention development. Using all available data sources, we also performed deductive content analysis to reflect on this process. Results: By critically reviewing the value and function of a co-design project with respect to idea generation, stakeholder involvement, and incorporation of stakeholder input into the intervention design, we demonstrated how co-design shaped the transition from ideas, via concepts, to a prototype for a relapse prevention intervention. Conclusions: Structural use of co-design throughout the project resulted in many different participating stakeholders and stimulating design activities. As a consequence, the majority of the components of the final prototype can be traced back to the information that stakeholders provided during the project. Although this illustrates how co-design facilitates the integration of contextual information into the intervention design, further experimental testing is required to evaluate to what extent this approach ultimately leads to improved usability as well as patient outcomes in the context of clinical practice.
Het aantal winkelbezoekers loopt in Europa al jaren terug, vooral in economisch zwakkere regio’s. Dit geldt in het bijzonder voor ouderen, waarvan de verwachting is dat ze in de toekomst fysieke winkels nog meer de rug zullen toekeren. Om de winkelervaring te verbeteren, investeren winkeliers steeds meer in opkomende digitale technologieën zoals apps, interactieve en digitale schermen, sociale robots en zelfscankassa’s. Deze instore technologieën slaan vooral bij jongere klanten aan, oudere klanten blijken door hun beperkingen (o.a. zien, horen, mobiliteit, informatieverwerking en digitale vaardigheden) nog steeds veel barrières te ervaren bij het bezoek aan winkels en het gebruik van instore technologieën. Dit is niet alleen nadelig voor winkeliers omdat ouderen een substantieel, stijgend, en koopkrachtig deel van de bevolking vertegenwoordigen dat relatief trouw is aan regionale winkelgebieden, maar het zet ook de inclusie van ouderen in Europa onder druk omdat winkelbezoek bijdraagt aan hun sociale welbevinden. Met dit onderzoeksproject onderzoekt het nieuwe consortium van twee hogescholen en drie buitenlandse universiteiten hoe instore technologieën ouderen in Europa kunnen helpen bij het wegnemen van barrières om tot een goede winkelervaring te komen. Het project brengt de onderzoeksprogramma’s van het lectorenplatform Retail Innovation Platform (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Hogeschool Saxion), de Retail en Marketingtechnologie groep (University of Bristol), de human-computer interaction groep (University of Calabria), en de engaging co-design research group (Aalto University) samen. Het project sluit aan bij nationale en Europese initiatieven zoals de Kennis- en Innovatieagenda Sleuteltechnologieën 2024-2027, The DIGITAL Europe Programme en de Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities 2021-2030. Door de relaties tussen ouderen, opkomende digitale technologie, en winkelgedrag over verschillende Europese regio’s te onderzoeken, sluit het project tevens aan bij Interreg Europa en het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling.