The rapidly developing relationship between tourism and creativity, arguably heralds a 'creative turn' in tourism studies. Creativity has been employed to transform traditional cultural tourism, shifting from tangible heritage towards more intangible culture and greater involvement with the everyday life of the destination. The emergence of 'creative tourism' reflects the growing integration between tourism and different placemaking strategies, including promotion of the creative industries, creative cities and the 'creative class'. Creative tourism is also arguably an escape route from the serial reproduction of mass cultural tourism, offering more flexible and authentic experiences which can be co-created between host and tourist. However the gathering critique also highlights the potential dangers of creative hype and commodification of everyday life.
PUBLIC PLAY SPACE promotes innovative and creative practices for the co-design of inclusive, cohesive and sustainable public spaces, through the use of games and digital technologies, in a transnational and European perspective, fostering the process of placemaking.Participation of citizens in the design of the public space is recognized as fundamental to build inclusive, cohesive and sustainable public space. As local governments grow more and more interested in civic participation, it becomes important to explore available methodologies addressing challenges related with participatory processes. Games have been proposed since the 1960s as a means of facilitating participatory processes by enabling cooperative environments to shape and support citizens’ interaction. The change led by Information and Communication technologies opens the debate on how advanced technologies, from video games to Virtual and Augmented Reality can help to open the process of co-creation to new audiences, enhancing citizen participation, both with respect to the design and space usage. PUBLIC PLAY SPACE aims to explore the process of development and use of innovative video-games for public space co-design through a wide range of actions targeted at education, knowledge production, debate rising and audience development; it will focus on the following actions:- On-line platform development;- State of the art book development;- 3 Creative & Capacity building workshops on advanced video-games co-development;- 3 Open-Game Events / Public space co-creation workshops with citizens (T: Neighbourhood associations, young people, citizens);- A Co-created touring exhibition on Games for placemaking, taking place in 6 cities;- 1 symposium on games for co-design;- Public Play Space experience book.
Steden zijn op zoek naar nieuwe impulsen voor ontwikkeling en investeren in stedelijke cultuur/urban culture in de hoop economische, sociale, culturele en sportieve waarde te genereren, zoals directe economische waarde, ‘placemaking’ en verhoogde aantrekkelijkheid van de stad als bestemming, sociale cohesie, inclusie en gezondheidsvoordelen (bestrijding van obesitas). In dit project staat de verschuiving van straatsporten/-kunsten zoals breakdance, graffiti en skateboarden van de stedelijke marginaliteit naar de formele beleidsdomeinen van steden centraal. Er wordt onderzocht of investeringen in stedelijke cultuur daadwerkelijk de verwachte vormen van waarde genereren.Het project gaat over de aantrekkelijkheid en dus veerkracht van steden/bestemmingen en de waarde die jongeren- en stedelijke cultuur kunnen toevoegen aan de herontwikkeling van marginale gebieden zoals voormalige industrieterreinen en spoorweggebieden. De grote uitdaging is ervoor te zorgen dat jongeren niet van deze ruimten worden uitgesloten wanneer de regeneratie voltooid is.Het doel van dit PD-project is te onderzoeken hoe urban culture het best kan worden georganiseerd en gefaciliteerd om duurzame waarde te creëren voor de ontwikkeling, vernieuwing en veerkracht van een stad en alle betrokken actoren. Met de inzichten uit dit project wordt een bijdrage geleverd aan placemaking en jeugd-, cultuur- en sportbeleid. Dit zal steden helpen om aantrekkelijk te blijven of worden voor hun inwoners en bezoekers en hun beperkte middelen zo efficiënt en effectief mogelijk in te zetten.