Crowd-pleasing, niche playing and gentrifying: Explaining the microgeographies of entrepreneur responses to increasing tourism in Amsterdam
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Moral food lab: Transforming the food system with crowd-sourced ethics
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Interaction fields: intuitive sketch-based steering behaviors for crowd simulation.
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Differences in Documented and Actual Medication Administration Time in the Emergency Department: A Prospective, Observational, Time-Motion Study
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“Ik doe al wat.” Hoe voorkomen we dat een klimaatcampagne averechts werkt?
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Research for TRAN Committee - Overtourism: impact and possible policy responses
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Involving the crowd in future museum experience design
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Formele en informele zorg, kemphanen of danspartners?
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De invloed van 75 jaar industrialisatie op wonen en werken in een Maastrichtse wijk
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Impact Riviercruise West-Friesland.
Optimal levels of tourism for experience quality and income.
Smart City Hospitality (SCITHOS)