Additions to the book "Systems Design and Engineering" by Bonnema Subjects were chosen based on the Systems Engineering needs for Small and Medium Enterprises, as researched in the SESAME project. The
Robots are increasingly used in a variety of work environments, but surprisingly little attention has been paid to how robots change work. In this comparative case study, we explore how robotization changed the work design of order pickers and order packers in eight logistic warehouses. We found that all warehouses robotized tasks based on technological functionality to increase efficiency, which sometimes created jobs consisting of ‘left-over tasks’. Only two warehouses used a bottom-up approach, where employees were involved in the implementation and quality of work was considered important. Although the other warehouses did not, sometimes their work design still benefitted from robotization. The positive effects we identified are reduced physical and cognitive demands and opportunities for upskilling. Warehouses that lack attention to the quality of work may risk ending up with the negative effects for employees, such as simplification and intensification of work, and reduced autonomy. We propose that understanding the consequences of robots on work design supports HR professionals to help managing this transition by both giving relevant input on a strategic level about the importance of work design and advocating for employees and their involvement.
In de automotive sector vindt veel onderzoek en ontwikkeling plaats op het gebied van autonome voertuigtechnologie. Dit resulteert in rijke open source software oplossingen voor besturing van robotvoertuigen. HAN heeft met haar Streetdrone voertuig reeds goede praktijkervaring met dergelijke software. Deze oplossingen richten zich op een Operational Design Domain dat uitgaat van de publieke verkeersinfrastructuur met daarbij de weggebruikers rondom het robotvoertuig. In de sectoren agrifood en smart industry is een groeiende behoefte aan automatisering van mobiele machinerie, versterkt door de actuele coronacrisis. Veel functionaliteit van bovengenoemde automotive software is inzetbaar voor mobiele robotica in deze sectoren. De toepassingen zijn enerzijds minder veeleisend - denk aan de meer gestructureerde omgeving, lagere snelheden en minder of geen ‘overige weggebruikers’ – en anderzijds heel specifiek als het gaat over routeplanning en (indoor) lokalisatie. Vanwege dit specifiek karakter is de bestaande software niet direct inzetbaar in deze sectoren. Het MKB in deze sectoren ervaart daarom een grote uitdaging om dergelijke complexe autonome functionaliteit beschikbaar te maken, zonder dat men kan voorbouwen een open, sectorspecifieke softwareoplossing. In Automotion willen de aangesloten partners vanuit bestaande kennis en ervaring tot een eerste integratie en demonstratie komen van een beschikbare automotive open source softwarebibliotheek, aangepast en specifiek ingezet op rijdende robots voor agrifood en smart industry, met focus ‘pickup and delivery’ scenario’s. Hierbij worden de aanpassingen - nieuwe en herschreven ‘boeken’ in de ‘bibliotheek’ - weer in open source gepubliceerd ter versterking van het MKB en het onderwijs. Parallel hieraan willen de partners ontdekken welke praktijkvragen uit dit proces voortvloeien en welke onderliggende kennislacunes in de toekomst moeten worden ingevuld. Via open workshops met uitnodigingen in diverse netwerken worden vele partijen uitgenodigd om gezamenlijk aan de hand van de opgedane ervaringen van gedachten te wisselen over actuele kennisvragen en mogelijke gezamenlijke toekomstige beantwoording daarvan.
With the help of sensors that made data collection and processing possible, many products around us have become “smarter”. The situation that our car, refrigerator, or umbrella communicating with us and each other is no longer a future scenario; it is increasingly a shared reality. There are good examples of such connectedness such as lifestyle monitoring of elderly persons or waste management in a smart city. Yet, many other smart products are designed just for the sake of embedding a chip in something without thinking through what kind of value they add everyday life. In other words, the design of these systems have mainly been driven by technology until now and little studies have been carried out on how the design of such systems helps citizens to improve or maintain the quality of their individual and collective lives. The CREATE-IT research center creates new solutions and methodologies in “digital design” that contribute to the quality of life of citizens. Correspondingly, this proposal focuses on one type of digital design—smart products—and investigate the concept of empowerment in relation to the design of smart products. In particular, the proposal aims to develop a model with its supplementary tools and methods for designing such products better. By following a research-through-design methodology, the proposal intends to offer a critical understanding on designing smart products. Along with its theoretical contribution, the proposal will also aid the students of ICT and design, and professionals such as designers and engineers to create smart products that will empower people and the industry to develop products grounded in a clear user experience and business model.
In the autumn of 2020, an autonomous and electric delivery robot was deployed on the BUas campus for the distribution of goods. In addition to the actual field test of the robot, we conducted research into various aspects of autonomous delivery robots. In this contribution we discuss the test with the autonomous delivery robot itself, the adjustments we had to make because the campus was very quiet due to COVID-19 and therefore there was less to transport for the robot, and the perception of people. with regard to the delivery robot, on the possible future areas of application and on the learning experiences we have gained in the tests.