This paper is a case report of why and how CDIO became a shared framework for Community Service Engineering (CSE) education. CSE can be defined as the engineering of products, product-service combinations or services that fulfill well-being and health needs in the social domain, specifically for vulnerable groups in society. The vulnerable groups in society are growing, while fewer people work in health care. Finding technical, interdisciplinary solutions for their unmet needs is the territory of the Community Service Engineer. These unmet needs arise in local niche markets as well as in the global community, which makes it an interesting area for innovation and collaboration in an international setting. Therefore, five universities from Belgium, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Sweden decided to work together as hubs in local innovation networks to create international innovation power. The aim of the project is to develop education on undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels. The partners are not aiming at a joined degree or diploma, but offer a shared short track blended course (3EC), which each partner can supplement with their own courses or projects (up to 30EC). The blended curriculum in CSE is based on design thinking principles. Resources are shared and collaboration between students and staff is organized at different levels. CDIO was chosen as the common framework and the syllabus 2.0 was used as a blueprint for the CSE learning goals in each university. CSE projects are characterized by an interdisciplinary, human centered approach leading to inter-faculty collaboration. At the university of Porto, EUR-ACE was already used as the engineering education framework, so a translation table was used to facilitate common development. Even though Thomas More and KU Leuven are no CDIO partner, their choice for design thinking as the leading method in the post-Masters pilot course insured a good fit with the CDIO syllabus. At this point University West is applying for CDIO and they are yet to discover what the adaptation means for their programs and their emerging CSE initiatives. CDIO proved to fit well to in the authentic open innovation network context in which engineering students actively do CSE projects. CDIO became the common language and means to continuously improve the quality of the CSE curriculum.
This paper describes a model for education in innovative engineering. The kernel of this model is, that students from different departments of the faculty of Applied Science and Technology are placed in industry for a period of eighteen months after two-and-a-half year of theoretical studies. During this period students work in multi-disciplinary projects on different themes. Students will grow to fully equal employees in industry. Therefore it is important that besides students, teachers and company employees will participate in the projects. Also the involvement of other level students (University and high school) is recommended. The most important characteristics of the model can be summarized in innovative, interdisciplinary and international orientation.
From the article: This paper describes the external IT security analysis of an international corporate organization, containing a technical and a social perspective, resulting in a proposed repeatable approach and lessons learned for applying this approach. Part of the security analysis was the utilization of a social engineering experiment, as this could be used to discover employee related risks. This approach was based on multiple signals that indicated a low IT security awareness level among employees as well as the results of a preliminary technical analysis. To carry out the social engineering experiment, two techniques were used. The first technique was to send phishing emails to both the system administrators and other employees of the company. The second technique comprised the infiltration of the office itself to test the physical security, after which two probes were left behind. The social engineering experiment proved that general IT security awareness among employees was very low. The results allowed the research team to infiltrate the network and have the possibility to disable or hamper crucial processes. Social engineering experiments can play an important role in conducting security analyses, by showing security vulnerabilities and raising awareness within a company. Therefore, further research should focus on the standardization of social engineering experiments to be used in security analyses and further development of the approach itself. This paper provides a detailed description of the used methods and the reasoning behind them as a stepping stone for future research on this subject. van Liempd, D., Sjouw, A., Smakman, M., & Smit, K. (2019). Social Engineering As An Approach For Probing Organizations To Improve It Security: A Case Study At A Large International Firm In The Transport Industry. 119-126.
Designing cities that are socially sustainable has been a significant challenge until today. Lately, European Commission’s research agenda of Industy 5.0 has prioritised a sustainable, human-centric and resilient development over merely pursuing efficiency and productivity in societal transitions. The focus has been on searching for sustainable solutions to societal challenges, engaging part of the design industry. In architecture and urban design, whose common goal is to create a condition for human life, much effort was put into elevating the engineering process of physical space, making it more efficient. However, the natural process of social evolution has not been given priority in urban and architectural research on sustainable design. STEPS stems from the common interest of the project partners in accessible, diverse, and progressive public spaces, which is vital to socially sustainable urban development. The primary challenge lies in how to synthesise the standardised sustainable design techniques with unique social values of public space, propelling a transition from technical sustainability to social sustainability. Although a large number of social-oriented studies in urban design have been published in the academic domain, principles and guidelines that can be applied to practice are large missing. How can we generate operative principles guiding public space analysis and design to explore and achieve the social condition of sustainability, developing transferable ways of utilising research knowledge in design? STEPS will develop a design catalogue with operative principles guiding public space analysis and design. This will help designers apply cross-domain knowledge of social sustainability in practice.
Inleiding en praktijkvraag De groeiende wereldbevolking gecombineerd met de klimaatverandering zorgt voor een de noodzaak tot een duurzame voedselvoorziening (KIA missie Landbouw, voedsel & water). Een significante reductie van gewasbestrijdingsmiddelen is daarbinnen een belangrijke doelstelling. Robotica maakt als technologie motor van de precisielandbouw plant specifieke precisie-bestrijding mogelijk. Het projectconsortium onderzoekt een semiautonoom samenwerkend grond-luchtrobot platform voor de precisielandbouw. Projectdoelstelling De doelstelling van het project AGRobot Platform is dan ook: “Onderzoek de mogelijkheden van een semi-autonoom samenwerkend grond-lucht robotplatform voor de precisielandbouw”. De hoofddoelstelling wordt binnen dit project beantwoordt door de deliverables uit de volgende subdoelstellingen: 1. Case studie onderzoek naar de mogelijke voordelen van het grond-luchtrobotplatform 2. Onderzoek naar de benodigde technologieën voor een grond-luchtrobotplatform 3. Ontwikkelen van een eerste (mogelijk case-specifieke) demonstrator 4. Ontwikkelen van (nieuwe) samenwerkingsvormen. Vraagsturing & Netwerkvorming Riwo Engineering is een industriële automatiseeerder die met zijn grondrobots en control-besturingssytemen actief is in de veeteelt. DRONEXpert gebruikt hyperspectrale camera’s onder drones voor het bemeten van gewassen. Saxion mechatronica onderzoekt met de onderzoekslijn unmanned robotic systems hoe de nieuwste robotica technologieën systemen mogelijk maakt voor ongestructureerde omgevingen. De partners bezitten gezamenlijk een enorm netwerk (TValley, Space53, euRobotics) en klanten om via de case studies de kansen te achterhalen en te realiseren. Innovatie Nergens ter wereld is een samenwerkend grond-luchtrobot platform actief in de precisielandbouw. Voor OostNederland, met naast veel robotica kennis ook veel Agro-kennis, zal het project letterlijk de KIEM zijn voor nieuwe projecten waaruit de valorisatie kansen richting heel Europa gaan. Activiteitenplan & Projectorganisatie Het project wordt geleid door de lector Dr. Ir. D.A.Bekke en uitgevoerd door Abeje Mersha en Mark Reiling samen met het deelnemend MKB. Het project bestaat uit 4 werkpakketten die achtereenvolgens antwoordt geven op de gestelde subdoelstellingen. Aan elk werkpakket zijn deliverables gekoppeld.