Recommender systems are widely used in today’s society, but many of them do not meet users’ needs and therefore fail to reach their full potential. Without careful consideration, such systems can interfere with the natural decision-making process, resulting in the disregard for recommendations provided. Therefore, it is vital to take into account multiple factors, including expertise, time and risk associated with decisions, as well as the system’s context to identify suitable affordances. Furthermore, it is important to consider the algorithmic and digital literacy of the users. This analysis could reveal innovative design opportunities, like combining a recommender system with a digital agent. As a result, it may meet interpersonal needs and facilitate a more natural interaction with the system. Implementing this combination in a digital marketplace could be a promising way to empower users towards an independent life.
The user experience of our daily interactions is increasingly shaped with the aid of AI, mostly as the output of recommendation engines. However, it is less common to present users with possibilities to navigate or adapt such output. In this paper we argue that adding such algorithmic controls can be a potent strategy to create explainable AI and to aid users in building adequate mental models of the system. We describe our efforts to create a pattern library for algorithmic controls: the algorithmic affordances pattern library. The library can aid in bridging research efforts to explore and evaluate algorithmic controls and emerging practices in commercial applications, therewith scaffolding a more evidence-based adoption of algorithmic controls in industry. A first version of the library suggested four distinct categories of algorithmic controls: feeding the algorithm, tuning algorithmic parameters, activating recommendation contexts, and navigating the recommendation space. In this paper we discuss these and reflect on how each of them could aid explainability. Based on this reflection, we unfold a sketch for a future research agenda. The paper also serves as an open invitation to the XAI community to strengthen our approach with things we missed so far.
Explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) is seen as a solution to making AI systems less of a “black box”. It is essential to ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability – which are especially paramount in the financial sector. The aim of this study was a preliminary investigation of the perspectives of supervisory authorities and regulated entities regarding the application of xAI in the financial sector. Three use cases (consumer credit, credit risk, and anti-money laundering) were examined using semi-structured interviews at three banks and two supervisory authorities in the Netherlands. We found that for the investigated use cases a disparity exists between supervisory authorities and banks regarding the desired scope of explainability of AI systems. We argue that the financial sector could benefit from clear differentiation between technical AI (model) explainability requirements and explainability requirements of the broader AI system in relation to applicable laws and regulations.
Bedrijven, waaronder telecomproviders, vertrouwen steeds meer op complexe AI-systemen. Het gebrek aan interpreteerbaarheid dat zulke systemen vaak introduceren zorgt voor veel uitdagingen om het onderliggende besluitvormingsproces te begrijpen. Vertrouwen in AI-systemen is belangrijk omdat het bijdraagt aan acceptatie en adoptie onder gebruikers. Het vakgebied Explainable AI (XAI) speelt hierbij een cruciale rol door transparantie en uitleg aan gebruikers te bieden voor de beslissingen en werking van zulke systemen.Doel Bij AI-systemen zijn gewoonlijk verschillende stakeholders betrokken, die elk een unieke rol hebben met betrekking tot deze systemen. Als gevolg hiervan varieert de behoefte voor uitleg afhankelijk van wie het systeem gebruikt. Het primaire doel van dit onderzoek is het genereren en evalueren van op stakeholder toegesneden uitleg voor use cases in de telecomindustrie. Door best practices te identificeren, nieuwe explainability tools te ontwikkelen en deze toe te passen in verschillende use cases, is het doel om waardevolle inzichten op te doen. Resultaten Resultaten omvatten het identificeren van de huidige best practices voor het genereren van betekenisvolle uitleg en het ontwikkelen van op maat gemaakte uitleg voor belanghebbenden voor telecom use-cases. Looptijd 01 september 2023 - 30 augustus 2027 Aanpak Het onderzoek begint met een literatuurstudie, gevolgd door de identificatie van mogelijke use-cases en het in kaart brengen van de behoeften van stakeholders. Vervolgens zullen prototypes worden ontwikkeld en hun vermogen om betekenisvolle uitleg te geven, zal worden geëvalueerd.