Electromagnetic fields, or EMF, are ubiquitous in our daily life. Extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MF) are generated by any device using electric current. Especially in workplace situations involving MRI scanners, welding equipment, induction heaters, and power plants, they are known for potentially high field strengths. These high field strengths may lead to adverse health effects if insufficient preventive measures are in place. This study investigates employees’ perceptions on work safety regarding EMF exposure. We held 15 semi-structured interviews in three different (non-nuclear) power plants in the Netherlands. We found that power plants in this study made ample use of fences and warning signs where needed, creating a safe working environment. Nevertheless, some workers perceive that there are vague regulations, organizational issues and lack of clarity on the properties of EMF. Participants also indicated that there is some room for improvement with respect to work safety meetings on EMF. Employees want to be informed about EMF and its potential health effects and mitigation methods, but their information need is limited and straightforward. A simple warning system, along with safety information on paper, may be sufficient. https://doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2020.1750459 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-bolte-0856134/
from the publishers' website: "A 63-year-old woman with diabetes type II and a history of breast cancer was treated with clozapine for her refractory schizophrenia. She developed a dilated cardiomyopathy with an ejection fraction of 25%, a life-threatening event. The cause of heart failure could be multifactorial, with clozapine, family history, chemotherapy, diabetes type II and/or lithium as possible contributing risk factors. Clozapine was discontinued and the patient was referred to a hospice. Two weeks later, her heart failure slowly improved. Subsequently, she became extremely psychotic with a severe decline in quality of life. Therefore, it was decided to restart clozapine under cardiac monitoring. The patient’s psychotic symptoms improved and her heart failure status remained stable for more than a year. Thereafter, a small deterioration was seen in cardiac function. In this case, re-exposure to clozapine was successful for at least 2 years."
Particulate matter (PM) exposure, amongst others caused by emissions and industrial processes, is an important source of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. There are situations in which blue-collar workers in roadwork companies are at risk. This study investigated perceptions of risk and mitigation of employees in roadwork (construction and maintenance) companies concerning PM, as well as their views on methods to empower safety behavior, by means of a mental models approach. We held semi-structured interviews with twenty-two employees (three safety specialists, seven site managers and twelve blue-collar workers) in three different roadwork companies. We found that most workers are aware of the existence of PM and reduction methods, but that their knowledge about PM itself appears to be fragmented and incomplete. Moreover, road workers do not protect themselves consistently against PM. To improve safety instructions, we recommend focusing on health effects, reduction methods and the rationale behind them, and keeping workers’ mental models into account. We also recommend a healthy dialogue about work-related risk within the company hierarchy, to alleviate both information-related and motivation-related safety issues. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2019.06.043 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-bolte-0856134/
Alcoholgebruiksstoornis (AUD) is een groot probleem. Alleen al in de USA zijn er 15 miljoen mensen met een AUD en meer dan 950.000 Nederlanders drinkt overmatig. Wereldwijd is 3-8% van het aantal sterfgevallen en 5% van alle ziektes en letsels toe te schrijven aan AUD. Zorg staat voor uitdagingen. Zo krijgt meer dan de helft van de AUD-patiënten binnen een jaar na behandeling een terugval. Een oplossing hiervoor is de inzet van Cue-Exposure-Therapy (CET). Daarbij worden cliënten blootgesteld aan triggers d.m.v. objecten, mensen en omgevingen die zucht opwekken. Om op een realistische, veilige en gepersonaliseerde manier deze triggers te ervaren, wordt Virtual Reality ingezet (VRET). Op die manier worden coping-vaardigheden getraind om verlangen naar alcohol tegen te gaan. De effectiviteit van VRET is (klinisch) bewezen. De komst van AR-technologieën roept echter de vraag op om mogelijkheden van Augmented-Reality-Exposure-Therapy (ARET) te onderzoeken. ARET geniet dezelfde voordelen als VRET (zoals een realistische veilige ervaring). Maar omdat AR virtuele-componenten in de echte omgeving integreert, waarbij het lichaam zichtbaar is, roept het vermoedelijk een ander type ervaring op. Dit kan de ecologische validiteit van CET in de behandeling vergroten. Daarnaast is ARET goedkoper te ontwikkelen (minder virtuele elementen) en hebben cliënten/klinieken gemakkelijker toegang tot AR (via smartphone/tablet). Bovendien worden nieuwe AR-brillen ontwikkeld, die nadelen zoals een te klein smartphone-scherm oplossen. Ondanks de vraag vanuit behandelaars, is ARET nog nooit ontwikkeld en onderzocht rondom verslaving. In dit project wordt het eerste ARET-prototype ontwikkeld rondom AUD in de behandeling van alcoholverslaving. Het prototype wordt ontwikkeld op basis van Volumetric-Captured-Digital-Humans en toegankelijk gemaakt voor AR-brillen, tablets en smartphones. Het prototype wordt gebaseerd op RECOVRY, een door het consortium ontwikkelde VRET rondom AUD. Een prototype-test onder (ex)AUD-cliënten zal inzicht geven in behoeften en verbeterpunten vanuit patiënt en zorgverlener en in het effect van ARET in vergelijk met VRET.
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a major problem. In the USA alone there are 15 million people with an AUD and more than 950,000 Dutch people drink excessively. Worldwide, 3-8% of all deaths and 5% of all illnesses and injuries are attributable to AUD. Care faces challenges. For example, more than half of AUD patients relapse within a year of treatment. A solution for this is the use of Cue-Exposure-Therapy (CET). Clients are exposed to triggers through objects, people and environments that arouse craving. Virtual Reality (VRET) is used to experience these triggers in a realistic, safe, and personalized way. In this way, coping skills are trained to counteract alcohol cravings. The effectiveness of VRET has been (clinically) proven. However, the advent of AR technologies raises the question of exploring possibilities of Augmented-Reality-Exposure-Therapy (ARET). ARET enjoys the same benefits as VRET (such as a realistic safe experience). But because AR integrates virtual components into the real environment, with the body visible, it presumably evokes a different type of experience. This may increase the ecological validity of CET in treatment. In addition, ARET is cheaper to develop (fewer virtual elements) and clients/clinics have easier access to AR (via smartphone/tablet). In addition, new AR glasses are being developed, which solve disadvantages such as a smartphone screen that is too small. Despite the demand from practitioners, ARET has never been developed and researched around addiction. In this project, the first ARET prototype is developed around AUD in the treatment of alcohol addiction. The prototype is being developed based on Volumetric-Captured-Digital-Humans and made accessible for AR glasses, tablets and smartphones. The prototype will be based on RECOVRY, a VRET around AUD developed by the consortium. A prototype test among (ex)AUD clients will provide insight into needs and points for improvement from patient and care provider and into the effect of ARET compared to VRET.
The HAS professorship Future Food Systems is performing applied research with students and external partners to transform our food system towards a more sustainable state. In this research it is not only a question of what is needed to achieve this, but also how and with whom. The governance of our food system needs rethinking to get the transformative momentum going in a democratic and constructive manner. Building on the professorship’s research agenda and involvement in the transdisciplinary NWA research project, the postdoc will explore collective ownership and inclusive participation as two key governance concepts for food system transformation. This will be done in a participatory manner, by learning from and with innovative bottom-up initiatives and practitioners from the field. By doing so, the postdoc will gain valuable practical insights that can aid to new approaches and (policy) interventions which foster a sustainable and just food system in the Netherlands and beyond. A strong connection between research and education is created via the active research involvement of students from different study programs, supervised by the postdoc (Dr. B. van Helvoirt). The acquired knowledge is embedded in education by the postdoc by incorporating it into HAS study program curricula and courses. In addition, it will contribute to the further professional development of qualitative research skills among HAS students and staff. Through scientific, policy and popular publications, participation in (inter)national conferences and meetings with experts and practitioners, the exposure and network of the postdoc and HAS in the field of food systems and governance will be expanded. This will allow for the setting up of a continuous research effort on this topic within the professorship via follow-up research with knowledge institutes, civic society groups and partners from the professional field.