Towards Responsible AI Code Development: A Six-Value Process Model for Junior and Novice AI Programmers
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An original template solution for FAIR scientific text mining
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Evaluatie mini-burgerberaad gemeente Amsterdam 2021
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Increasing Older Adult Involvement in Geriatric Assessment: A Mixed-Methods Process Evaluation
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Reconsidering the Circular Economy Rebound effect
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Differentiated Rewards as an Enticement to Display and Develop More Professionalism in Higher Professional Education
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Differentiated rewards as an enticement to display and develop more professionalism in higher professional education
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Wraparound Process in Probation Services
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Why do consumers buy socially responsible products
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FungiZap - Innovative method for mycelium growth deactivation
Het Sportfolio: een instrument voor formatief evalueren bij Lichamelijke Opvoeding.
Smart Assessment Sustainable Tourist Destinations (SASTDes)