The past two decades, a disproportionate growth of females entering the criminal justice system and forensic mental health services has been observed worldwide. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the background of women who are convicted for violent offenses. What is their criminal history, what are their motives for offending and in which way do they differ from men convicted for violent offenses? In this study, criminal histories and the offenses for which they were admitted to forensic care were analyzed of 218 women and 218 men who have been treated between 1984 and 2014 with a mandatory treatment order in one of four Dutch forensic psychiatric settings admitting both men and women. It is concluded that there are important differences in violent offending between male and female patients. Most importantly, female violence was more often directed towards their close environment, like their children, and driven by relational frustration. Furthermore, female patients received lower punishments compared to male patients and were more often considered to be diminished accountable for their offenses due to a mental illness.
Purpose – The paradigm “think entrepreneur–think male” continues to prevail in entrepreneurship education(EE). Aiming to explore how EE educators and EE students engage with this paradigm, this paper examines how students’ beliefs about entrepreneurship are shaped within the classroom.Design/methodology/approach – This study is based on a single case comprising 32 interviews with EE students and educators from a variety of higher education institutions in the Netherlands. Observations were conducted in a learning environment where undergraduate students from a range of EE minors (general, social and tech entrepreneurship) collaborated on projects under the guidance of entrepreneurship educators.Findings – Our findings reveal that gendered constructs are deeply embedded in EE, shaping perceptions of entrepreneurship. However, these constructs are changing and challenging the “think entrepreneur–think male”.Originality/value – This study contributes to gender and entrepreneurship literature by challenging the existence of the prevailing paradigm “think entrepreneur–think male” in EE. We emphasise the importance ofacknowledging individual entrepreneurial motivations while recognising gendered constructs in entrepreneurial support and resource access.
DOEL: Deze studie onderzoekt de mogelijke invloed van gender op de historische dynamiek rond verpleegkundig leiderschap. METHODE: Gebruikmakend van een historische onderzoeksbenadering voert deze studie een bronnenanalyse uit met gender als analytische lens, gericht op de ontwikkeling van het verpleegkundig directeurschap in het Sint Radboudziekenhuis vanaf de oprichting van de medische kliniek (1956) tot de uitsluiting van de verpleegkundig directrice uit de directie (1971). RESULTATEN: Er worden zes gendergaps geïdentificeerd, namelijk verschillen in vermeende capaciteiten en kwaliteiten, werk-privébalans, opleiding, salarisstructuur, ondersteuning en gebruik van retoriek. Dit wijst op betrokkenheid van stereotype denkbeelden bij het vormen van de genderasymmetrie binnen het verpleegkundig beroep en de perceptie ervan op de werkplek en daarbuiten. DISCUSSIE: Een geleidelijke uitsluiting van verpleegkundigen op basis van geslacht op strategisch niveau in directies wordt benadrukt. Deze asymmetrie en vooroordelen creëerden een onevenwichtig speelveld, wat de onderhandelingen over de status van het verpleegkundig beroep bemoeilijkte en belemmeringen opwierp voor verpleegkundig leiderschap. CONCLUSIE: Het zichtbaar en bespreekbaar maken van deze vooroordelen kan het bewustzijn vergroten over de wijze waarop historisch gegroeide ideeën en overtuigingen hedendaags verpleegkundig leiderschap beïnvloeden.