Understanding human aspects for an effective information security management implementation. Gepubliceerd op:
Verkenning best practices cybersecurity informatiedeling Gepubliceerd op:
The embracement of risks Gepubliceerd op:
Information security behaviour Gepubliceerd op:
Social Engineering as an Approach for Probing Organizations to Improve IT Security Gepubliceerd op:
De ‘human’ factor in cybersecurity Gepubliceerd op:
End-users Compliance to the Information Security Policy Gepubliceerd op:
Revisiting the relationship between safety and security Gepubliceerd op:
Dutch National Security Reform Under Review Gepubliceerd op:
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Defending against Implementation attackS Through mAchiNe learning Techniques Start:
een Twents Onderzoek naar Extreem Laaggeluidsproducerende drones (OEL) Start:
Encryption for all Start:
Remediation of comPromised IoT Devices Start:
SeReNity - Evidence-Based Security Response ceNters Start:
Swarm collaborative Multi-Agent cybeR physical sysTems with shAred sensinG modalitiEs, 5G commuNication and micro-elecTromechanical Sensor arrays (SMART-AGENTS) Start:
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