How societies respond to the challenges of human migration is one of the most morally defining and socioeconomically consequential policy decisions of our time. As anti-immigrant parties across the Global North seek to capitalize on public concerns about immigrant inclusion and border control, immigration has turned into a deepening social and political cleavage. Meanwhile, the greatest immigration challenges are faced in the Global South. The vast majority of refugees who are forcibly displaced by war, political violence, poverty and environmental disasters seek refuge in neighbouring regions where many states lack the capacity to adequately support them. Given these challenges it is imperative for occupational therapists and scientists to work collaboratively to support equitable occupational possibilities for immigrants, refugees and internally displaced persons.
Within a short period of time, the Netherlands transformed itself from a relatively tolerant country to a nation that called for cultural assimilation, tough measures and neo-patriotism. The discursive genre of 'new realism' played a crucial role in this retreat from multiculturalism, and that had a dual effect for immigrant women. Whereas formerly they were virtually ignored by both the integration and the emancipation policy, since the triumph of new realism they are in the centre of both policy lines and there is now more policy attention for their needs and interests. Yet in the public debate the culture card is drawn frequently and immigrant women are portrayed as either victims or accomplices of their oppressive cultures. Policy makers and practitioners in the field, however, succeeded in avoiding cultural stereotyping by developing cultural-sensitive measures, while naming them in culture-blind terms.
Despite Dutch Hospitality industry’s significant economic value, employers struggle to attract and retain early career professionals at a time when tourism is forecasted to grow exponentially (Ruël, 2018). Universally, hospitality management graduates are shunning hospitality careers preferring other career paths; stimulating the Dutch Hospitality to find innovative ways of attracting and retaining early career professionals. Following calls from the Human Resource Management (HRM) community (Ehnert, 2009), we attribute this trend to personnel being depicted as rentable resources, driving profit’’ often at personal expense. For example, hotels primarily employ immigrants and students for a minimum wage suppressing salaries of local talent (Kusluvan, et al 2010, O’Relly and Pfeffer, 2010). Similarly, flattening organizational structures have eliminated management positions, placing responsibility on inexperienced shoulders, with vacancies commonly filled by pressured employees accepting unpaid overtime jeopardizing their work life balance (Davidson, et al 2010,). These HRM practices fuel attrition by exposing early career professionals to burnout (Baum et al, 2016, Goh et al, 2015, Deery and Jog, 2009). Collectively this has eroded the industry’s employer brand, now characterized by unsocial working hours, poor compensation, limited career opportunities, low professional standing, high turnover and substance abuse (Mooney et al, 2016, Gehrels and de Looij, 2011). In contrast, Sustainable HRM “enables an organizational goal achievement while simultaneously reproducing the human resource base over a long-lasting calendar time (Ehnert, 2009, p. 74).” Hence, to overcome this barrier we suggest embracing the ROC framework (Prins et al, 2014), which (R)espects internal stakeholders, embraces an (O)pen HRM approach while ensuring (C)ontinuity of economic and societal sustainability which could overcome this barrier. Accordingly, we will employ field research, narrative discourse, survey analysis and quarterly workshops with industry partners, employees, union representatives, hotel school students to develop sustainable HRM practices attracting and retaining career professionals to pursue Dutch hospitality careers.
Tijdens de coronacrisis is in Nederland de sportdeelname in korte tijd drastisch veranderd. Bij de sportverenigingen waren de sportaccommodaties en clubhuizen de eerste maanden gesloten en daarna beperkt open voor een deel van de leden. Echter, dankzij online communicatietechnologie vonden leden en besturen manieren om met elkaar te sporten en in verbinding te zijn. De coronacrisis maakte duidelijk dat online sport- en niet-sport- gerelateerde toepassingen potentie hebben voor de binding met en daardoor versterking van de sportverenigingen. Doel van dit onderzoeksproject is om te leren van deze ontwikkelingen en hiermee de georganiseerde sport in de toekomst te kunnen ondersteunen. Docenten en afstudeerders van de Economische Hogeschool en de Sporthogeschool van Fontys werken samen met vertegenwoordigers van sportmarketingbureau Touché, Sport Professionals Netwerk, sportkoepel NOC*NSF en de sportbonden KNVB, Nederlandse Atletiekunie, KNZB en Nederlands Handbal Verbond. Via ontwerpgericht onderzoek in drie fasen worden voorbeelden van online toepassingen binnen sportverenigingen en andere sportorganisaties verzameld, gecategoriseerd, wordt gezocht naar de betekenis voor de georganiseerde sport en hoe deze kunnen worden vertaald in toepassingen voor toekomstige situaties. Op basis hiervan wordt een online platform te ontwikkeld met toepassingen, voorbeelden en tips dat bonden en sportverenigingen overzicht geeft in mogelijke online toepassingen, best practices, tools en tips, en het netwerk rondom dit thema. Voor de sportkoepel en bonden, sportondersteuners en ondernemers in de sport kan dit richtinggevend zijn voor de verdere ondersteuning van sportverenigingen. Aldus dragen we via dit onderzoeksproject bij aan versterking van de sportverenigingen, aan de ontwikkeling van veerkracht door verdere digitalisering binnen de georganiseerde sport en zodoende aan de verdere ontwikkeling van een actieve leefstijl en sociale cohesie.