The 21st century’s rapidly compounding crises – from climate and ecological breakdown to extreme social inequities of power and opportunity – make it irrefutably clear that the global economic system must be transformed if humanity and the rest of life on Earth are to thrive. Doughnut Economics provides an increasingly recognised compass for such a thriving future, and is focused on meeting the needs of all people within the means of the living planet, by creating economies that are regenerative and distributive by design. What are the implications for the role and transformation of business, if it is to be part of this future?This paper explores how the deep design of business – through a company’s Purpose, Networks, Governance, Ownership, and Finance – powerfully shapesits strategic decisions and operational impacts, and ultimately determines whether or not businesses can transform to become part of a regenerative and distributive future. By diving into five layers of deep design, this paper reveals both design blockages that prevent transformative action, and design innovations that can unlock its possibility. In addition, this paper recognises that industry-level and system-wide transformations are crucial for turning the inheritance of a degenerative and divisive economic system into the beginnings of a regenerative and distributive one.
Boekbespreking van Serendipiteit. De ongezochte vondst. Het boek opent met een verzameling van citaten die direct of indirect met het onderwerp samenhangen. Daarna volgt een kort voorwoord van Hans Clevers, de toenmalige president van de KNAW, die een lans breekt voor serendipiteit in de biologie. Verder bevat het boek een vertaling van het Perzisch sprookje over de prinsen van Sarandib (Sri Lanka), plus de brief van Horace Walpole waarin hij op grond van dit oude gedicht het begrip “serendipiteit” munt. Dan pas wordt de lezer getrakteerd op een inleiding over serendipiteit. Deze wordt gevolgd door een e-mail correspondentie over hetzelfde thema tussen de beide auteurs en een inventarisatie van aansprekende voorbeelden van het fenomeen
While digitalisation requires facilities management (FM) organisations to change at an increasing rate, little is known about the mechanisms that create ownership and enable individuals to implement changes in everyday FM practice. In this study, these mechanisms are explored from a stewardship perspective. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights in the dynamics of organisational change in FM by analysing how stewardship behaviour leads to change.A process model for implementing organisational change is constructed, based on existing theoretical insights from stewardship and intrapreneurship literature. The model is evaluated in a case study through analysis of critical events. Interviewing was the key data collection method.The process model gives an event-driven explanation of change through psychological ownership. Analysis of multiple critical events suggests that the model explains intra-organisational as well as inter-organisational change. The case data further suggests that, compared to intra-organisational change, tailored relational and motivational support is more important for inter-organisational change because of the higher risks involved. Job crafting emerged as an unanticipated finding that offers interesting prospects for future FM research.The process model offers guidance for leaders in FM organisations on providing tailored support to internal and external employees during periods of organisational change.Stewardship and intrapreneurship are combined to provide insights on organisational change in FM. The study demonstrates how intrapreneurial behaviour and stewardship behaviour can be linked to create innovation within and between organisations.