Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
High consumption of animal-source foods, specifically meat, adversely affects human health and the environment. Dietary habits are shaped at younger ages and a reduction in meat consumption may be facilitated by the life course transitions in early adulthood, but studies are limited. This study among young Dutch adults aimed to describe their perceptions on the influence of life course transitions on meat consumption, barriers and enablers to reduce meat consumption, and strategies for reducing meat consumption. Barriers and enablers were grouped applying the COM-B model that includes capability, opportunity, and motivation. This quantitative cross-sectional study included a representative sample of 1806 young adults from two Dutch consumer panels who completed an online survey. Young adults frequently reported life course transitions, especially those related to moving house, to have decreased their meat consumption. Barriers and enablers to reduce meat consumption were identified for all three factors of the COM-B model. Important barriers included taste, perceived high prices of meat alternatives, and habits. In contrast, important enablers included care for the environment and animal welfare, enjoyment of smaller portions of meat and saving money. However, barriers and enablers largely differed by groups of meat consumption frequency. Self-perceived effective strategies for reducing meat consumption were price reduction of meat alternatives, recipes for vegetarian meals, and more attractive meat alternatives. The findings of this study are relevant for the development of targeted behaviour-change programmes including interventions in the physical and the social environment (like lowering prices and improving the offer of meat alternatives).
A regular short physical activity break in the classroom may improve classroom behavior. The current study reports on the results of the implementation of a daily 10-min Just Dance break in the classroom. A total of 31 Dutch primary school teachers agreed to participate in the study. We collected data on the frequency of the use of the Just Dance breaks via an online registration system. Data on the long-term barriers and facilitators of the implementation were collected using two online questionnaires. In addition, we held five interviews with teachers to elucidate data on barriers and facilitators. The results show that none of the teachers maintained the Just Dance breaks on a daily basis, and only 19% (n = 6) of the teachers on a weekly basis (i.e., one to three times a week). According to all participating teachers, a lack of time was the primary barrier to implement Just Dance breaks on a daily basis. Teachers who did not maintain Just Dance breaks on a weekly basis also experienced difficulties in 1) keeping all pupils engaged during the full 10-min Just Dance break or 2) getting the pupils focused again after the Just Dance break. Teachers who maintained the Just Dance breaks on a weekly basis provided several practical recommendations for a more sustainable implementation process. This study shows that the implementation process of daily Just Dance breaks is challenging. We recommend providing teachers with professional support when implementing physical activity breaks in their daily program.
To understand how transition across different thermal zones in a building impacts the thermal perception of occupants, the current work examines occupant feedback in two work environments — nursing staff in hospital wards and the workers in an office. Both studies used a mix of subjective surveys and objective measurements. A total of 96 responses were collected from the hospital wards while 142 were collected from the office. The thermal environment in the hospital wards was perceived as slightly warm on the ASHRAE thermal sensation scale (mean TSV = 1.2), while the office workers rated their environment on the cool side (mean TSV = 0.15). The results also show that when the transitions were across temperature differences within 2 °C, the thermal perception was not impacted by the magnitude of the temperature difference — as reflected in occupant thermal sensation and thermal comfort/thermal acceptability vote. This would imply that the effect of temperature steps on thermal perception, if any, within these boundaries, was extremely short lived. These findings go towards establishing the feasibility of heterogeneous indoor thermal environments and thermal zoning of workspaces for human comfort.
Zowel bij ondernemers als onder kunstenaars zien we steeds meer initiatieven gericht op de ontwikkeling van een ‘volhoudbare’ economie. Partijen uit deze domeinen zoeken manieren om een generatieve economie te bewerkstelligen die – anders dan een extractieve economie (‘de economie van het leegtrekken’) – sociaal rechtvaardig en ecologisch duurzaam wil zijn. Omdat kunstenaars en ondernemers in hun zoektocht naar innovaties-met-impact verschillende kwaliteiten inbrengen, wordt veel verwacht van samenwerking tussen de twee sectoren. In de praktijk echter is synergie eerder regel dan uitzondering. De grote verschillen tussen de twee ‘innovatiesferen’ leiden vooralsnog tot meer gedoe dan complementariteit. In het vraagarticulatietraject dat ten grondslag ligt aan SUSTAIN kwam naar voren dat hier een belangrijke rol is weggelegd voor zogeheten innovatiebrokers: derde partijen die werelden van ondernemerschap en kunst op duurzame wijze met elkaar weten te verbinden. In SUSTAIN willen we de body of knowledge en het handelingsinstrumentarium van deze innovatiebrokers verrijken. Door met praktijkgericht onderzoek juist in deze beroepsgroep te investeren, hopen we een hefboomeffect richting de volhoudbare economie te creëren: we dragen bij aan de effectiviteit van de samenwerking tussen de innovatiesferen kunst en ondernemerschap. Onze hoofdvraag luidt: Wat kunnen innovatiebrokers op het snijvlak van kunst en ondernemen in de verschillende fases van het innovatietraject leren en doen om de synergie van de samenwerking tussen ondernemers en kunstenaars te vergroten en zo een duurzame bijdrage te leveren aan de transitie richting een volhoudbare economie? Gedurende het onderzoek ontwikkelen we een gefundeerd Brokers Kenniscanvas dat beschrijft welke vraagstukken zich aandienen in samenwerkingsverbanden tussen kunstenaars en ondernemers en hoe de innovatiebrokers die vraagstukken hanteerbaar en productief kunnen maken. We richten ons welbewust op het ‘gedoe’ in de samenwerking en ontwikkelen vóór en mét de innovatiebrokers kennis over hoe vandaaruit synergie te realiseren.
The scientific challenge is about unraveling the secret of Brazilian and Dutch soccer by capturing successful elements of game play of both countries,, combining expertise from data science, computer science and sport science. Suggested features from literature, as well as several novel ones, will be considered and filtered on how they capture success in soccer. A manageable set of features will then be obtained from various available Dutch datasets (focusing on successful play). Subsequently, the same features will be used to compare playing styles between both countries. Features of game play will be approached from two different angles. The first angle (spearheaded by the Brazilian computer science partner) concerns features that capture the dynamics of game play and characterize aspects of formation on the pitch. The second angle (lead by the Dutch data science partner) will focus on how an attack is built up, and how key events (shots on goal, transitions from defenders to midfielders, etc.) can help to characterize this. For the comparison between countries data will be collected in four different age categories in Brazil and the Netherlands during official games, in order to compare (the development of) game play between both countries. Data will be collected by means of the Local Position Measurement System, for reasons of accuracy and consistency. The applied science part of this proposal is focusing on bridging the gap between fundamental science and soccer practice, i.e. coaches, trainers, clubs and federations. The outcomes of the fundamental part will be implemented in a coach-cockpit, a software application which trainers and coaches can use to (1) decide upon their strategy before a game, (2) analyze player- and team behaviour during a game enabling to adjust the strategy accordingly, and (3) choose and/or design training forms to improve player- and team behaviour.
The scientific challenge is about unraveling the secret of Brazilian and Dutch soccer by capturing successful elements of game play of both countries,, combining expertise from data science, computer science and sport science. Suggested features from literature, as well as several novel ones, will be considered and filtered on how they capture success in soccer. A manageable set of features will then be obtained from various available Dutch datasets (focusing on successful play). Subsequently, the same features will be used to compare playing styles between both countries. Features of game play will be approached from two different angles. The first angle (spearheaded by the Brazilian computer science partner) concerns features that capture the dynamics of game play and characterize aspects of formation on the pitch. The second angle (lead by the Dutch data science partner) will focus on how an attack is built up, and how key events (shots on goal, transitions from defenders to midfielders, etc.) can help to characterize this. For the comparison between countries data will be collected in four different age categories in Brazil and the Netherlands during official games, in order to compare (the development of) game play between both countries. Data will be collected by means of the Local Position Measurement System, for reasons of accuracy and consistency. The applied science part of this proposal is focusing on bridging the gap between fundamental science and soccer practice, i.e. coaches, trainers, clubs and federations. The outcomes of the fundamental part will be implemented in a coach-cockpit, a software application which trainers and coaches can use to (1) decide upon their strategy before a game, (2) analyze player- and team behaviour during a game enabling to adjust the strategy accordingly, and (3) choose and/or design training forms to improve player- and team behaviour.