Abstract: Background: Hip fracture in older patients often lead to permanent disabilities and can result in mortality. Objective: To identify distinct disability trajectories from admission to one-year post-discharge in acutely hospitalized older patients after hip fracture. Design: Prospective cohort study, with assessments at admission, three-months and one-year post-discharge. Setting and participants: Patients ≥ 65 years admitted to a 1024-bed tertiary teaching hospital in the Netherlands. Methods: Disability was the primary outcome and measured with the modified Katz ADL-index score. A secondary outcome was mortality. Latent class growth analysis was performed to detect distinct disability trajectories from admission and Cox regression was used to analyze the effect of the deceased patients to one-year after discharge. Results: The mean (SD) age of the 267 patients was 84.0 (6.9) years. We identified 3 disability trajectories based on the Katz ADL-index score from admission to one-year post-discharge: ‘mild’- (n=54 (20.2%)), ‘moderate’- (n=110 (41.2%)) and ‘severe’ disability (n=103 (38.6%)). Patients in all three trajectories showed an increase of disabilities at three months, in relation to baseline and 80% did not return to baseline one-year post-discharge. Seventy-three patients (27.3%) deceased within one-year post-discharge, particularly in the ‘moderate’- (n=22 (8.2%)) and ‘severe’ disability trajectory (n=47 (17.6%)). Conclusions: Three disability trajectories were identified from hospital admission until one-year follow-up in acutely hospitalized older patients after hip fracture. Most patients had substantial functional decline and 27% of the patient’s deceased one-year post-discharge, mainly patients in the ‘moderate’- ‘and severe’ disability trajectories.
Traces of condom lubricants in fingerprints can be valuable information in cases of sexual assault. Ideally, not only confirmation of the presence of the condom but also determination of the type of condom brand used can be retrieved. Previous studies have shown to be able to retrieve information about the condom brand and type from fingerprints containing lubricants using various analytical techniques. However, in practice fingerprints often appear latent and need to be detected first, which is often achieved by cyanoacrylate fuming. In this study, we developed a desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) method which, combined with principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis (PCA-LDA), allows for high accuracy classification of condom brands and types from fingerprints containing condom lubricant traces. The developed method is compatible with cyanoacrylate (CA) fuming. We collected and analyzed a representative dataset for the Netherlands comprising 32 different condoms. Distinctive lubricant components such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), octoxynol-9 and nonoxynol-9 were readily detected using the DESI-MS method. Based on the analysis of lubricant spots, a 99.0% classification accuracy was achieved. When analyzing lubricant containing fingerprints, an overall accuracy of 90.9% was obtained. Full chemical images could be generated from fingerprints, showing the distribution of lubricant components such as PEG and PDMS throughout the fingerprint, while still allowing for classification. The developed method shows potential for the development of DESI-MS based analyses of CA treated exogenous compounds from fingerprints for use in forensic science.
We show how to estimate a Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient in Stata after running a principal component or factor analysis. Alpha evaluates to what extent items measure the same underlying content when the items are combined into a scale or used for latent variable. Stata allows for testing the reliability coefficient (alpha) of a scale only when all items receive homogenous weights. We present a user-written program that computes reliability coefficients when implementation of principal component or factor analysis shows heterogeneous item loadings. We use data on management practices from Bloom and Van Reenen (2010) to explain how to implement and interpret the adjusted internal consistency measure using afa.