AI Application in Transport and Logistics Gepubliceerd op:
Explaining the growth in light electric vehicles in city logistics Gepubliceerd op:
Governance models for sustainable urban construction logistics: barriers for collaboration Gepubliceerd op:
Improving efficiency and environmental impact applying JIT logistics and transport consolidation in urban construction projects Gepubliceerd op:
Gamification of the work floor : a literature review of gamifying production and logistics operations Gepubliceerd op:
Exploring criteria for tendering for sustainable urban construction logistics Gepubliceerd op:
Framework for Modelling Multi-stakeholder City Logistics Domain Using the Agent based Modelling Approach Gepubliceerd op:
Reducing the environmental impact and improving the efficiency of construction transport Gepubliceerd op:
Logistics Collaboration between Shippers and Logistics Service Providers. Observations in the chemical industry Gepubliceerd op:
Alles weergeven
Datascience for Logistieke Innovatie (DALI) Start:
Drones for Sustainable Port Logistics Start:
Enable MULti-ArticulaTed vehicle rEversing (EMULATE) Start:
INGENIOUS – INtelligent charGing ENvironment for logIstics autonomOUS transport Start:
STEERS - towardS inTelligEnt intER-hub-logiStics Start:
Swarm collaborative Multi-Agent cybeR physical sysTems with shAred sensinG modalitiEs, 5G commuNication and micro-elecTromechanical Sensor arrays (SMART-AGENTS) Start:
Alles weergeven