The design of a spatial distribution structure is of strategic importance for companies, to meet required customer service levels and to keep logistics costs as low as possible. Spatial distribution structure decisions concern distribution channel layout – i.e. the spatial layout of the transport and storage system – as well as distribution centre location(s). This paper examines the importance of seven main factors and 33 sub-factors that determine these decisions. The Best-Worst Method (BWM) was used to identify the factor weights, with pairwise comparison data being collected through a survey. The results indicate that the main factor is logistics costs. Logistics experts and decision makers respectively identify customer demand and service level as second most important factor. Important sub-factors are demand volatility, delivery time and perishability. This is the first study that quantifies the weights of the factors behind spatial distribution structure decisions. The factors and weights facilitate managerial decision-making with regard to spatial distribution structures for companies that ship a broad range of products with different characteristics. Public policy-makers can use the results to support the development of land use plans that provide facilities and services for a mix of industries.
This thesis studies the factors that influence physical distribution structure design. Distribution Structure Design (DSD) concerns the spatial layout of the distribution channel as well as the location(s) of logistics facilities. Despite the frequent treatment of DSD in supply chain handbooks, an empirically validated conceptual framework of factors is still lacking. This thesis studies DSD in multiple industry sectors (Fashion, Consumer Electronics, Online Retail) and proposes a conceptual framework.
Distribution structures and distribution centre (DC) locations are essential for logistics companies to optimise logistics costs and service levels. This paper reviews Supply Chain Management (SCM), Geography and Economic Geographic literature on distribution structure and DC locations decision-making. Two central decision-making elements are discussed: process steps and decision-making factors. Added value of our paper is 1) A literature review 2) Conclusions on the state of current scientific knowledge in three research streams 3) A research agenda. Reviewing literature shows decision-making factors are renowned, however, importance of factors in each process step is unknown. Results also show literature diverges on which process steps logistics companies take (descriptive) or should optimally take (prescriptive) in distribution structure and DC location decision-making. Thus, more research is needed. Developing a descriptive conceptual model and testing on several industry sectors will be valuable to understand differences on distribution structure and DC location decision-making.
DISCO aims at fast-tracking upscaling to new generation of urban logistics and smart planning unblocking the transition to decarbonised and digital cities, delivering innovative frameworks and tools, Physical Internet (PI) inspired. To this scope, DISCO will deploy and demonstrate innovative and inclusive urban logistics and planning solutions for dynamic space re-allocation integrating urban freight at local level, within efficiently operated network-of-networks (PI) where the nodes and infrastructure are fixed and mobile based on throughput demands. Solutions are co-designed with the urban logistics community – e.g., cities, logistics service providers, retailers, real estate/public and private infrastructure owners, fleet owners, transport operators, research community, civil society - all together moving a paradigm change from sprawl to data driven, zero-emission and nearby-delivery-based models.