Nederland is het grootste exportland van snijbloemen ter wereld. In 2017 werd 1,7 miljoen ton vracht aan snijbloemen van en naar Schiphol vervoerd. Luchtvrachtvervoer van bloemen bedraagt 25 procent van het totale jaarlijkse tonnage van goederen via luchthaven Schiphol. De toekomst ziet er minder rooskleurig uit voor Nederland als gevolg van de ontwikkelingen binnen de bloemensector, in internationale handel en de toenemende concurrentie vanuit andere landen, en nieuwe technologische ontwikkelingen op het gebied van zeevervoer. Om de internationale positie van luchthaven Schiphol als ‘preffered hub’ voor bloemen te behouden c.q. versterken, is het belangrijk om de ontwikkelingen in de internationale bloemen keten te analyseren en de positie van die van Schiphol ten opzichte van concurrerende luchthavens (Brussel, Frankfurt, Luik en Parijs) vast te stellen. In dit onderzoek wordt hiervoor een afwegingskader en een kostenmodel gebruikt. De resultaten laten zien dat Schiphol goed kan concurreren op basis van kosten, kwaliteit en luchthaven infrastructuur, onder andere dankzij de directe internationale bestemmingen en de kwaliteit van vrachtafhandeling. Uit de analyse van verschillende factoren en de vergelijking van Schiphol met zijn concurrenten blijkt dat de luchthaven Luik Schiphol op de hielen zit. De resultaten laten zien dat Luik beter scoort dan Schiphol voor het vervoer van bloemen boven de 1.000 kg. Op monetaire, transportkosten en kwaliteit van diensten scoort Luik gelijk. Op het gebied van restricties is Luik Schiphol voorbij.
Mexico transported in 2018 over 97.3 million passengers on its 77 airports in the country, from which 64 are international, with ana Amsterdam University of Applied Science (AUAS), Weesperzijde 190, 1097 DZ Amsterdam, Netherlandsaverage growth rate of 7.6% respects 2017. Particularity, Queretaro International Airport has shown a very significant growth,handling almost 95 thousand passengers in 2006 towards over one million passengers in 2018 according to Civil AviationAuthorities. Furthermore, in the last years Queretaro city and its suburbs have been developing into a strong industrial regiontogether with an aeronautical cluster; this is as an initiative of Mexican Government which gather more than 80 manufactureaeronautical enterprises such as General Electric, Bombardier, Grupo Safran and Aernova, amongst others. There is one of the Mexico transported in 2018 over 97.3 million passengers on its 77 airports in the country, from which 64 are international, with anbiggest Maintenance, Repairing and Over hall (MRO) service facilities of Latin America which belong to Aeromexico and Delta average growth rate of 7.6% respects 2017. Particularity, Queretaro International Airport has shown a very significant growth,Airlines. In addition, research, educational and training institutions supply high trained personnel to the industry. These unique handling almost 95 thousand passengers in 2006 towards over one million passengers in 2018 according to Civil Aviationcharacteristics of Queretaro airport make suitable for study, particularly an analysis of the main current and potential characteristics Authorities. Furthermore, in the last years Queretaro city and its suburbs have been developing into a strong industrial regionof the business development of the region through the growth model of the airport. Therefore, the work aims to highlight the potential together with an aeronautical cluster; this is as an initiative of Mexican Government which gather more than 80 manufactureaspects of the airport business model and the need to cope with it though an Airport Master Plan (AMP) based on a long-term aeronautical enterprises such as General Electric, Bombardier, Grupo Safran and Aernova, amongst others. There is one of thevision strategy towards 2040-2050. The approach integrates the international, national and regional trends related to aviation, and biggest Maintenance, Repairing and Over hall (MRO) service facilities of Latin America which belong to Aeromexico and Deltathe perspective of global growth as driver of connectivity for commercial and cargo aviation. It has been found that the airport has an Airlines. In addition, research, educational and training institutions supply high trained personnel to the industry. These uniqueinteresting and challenging portfolio of activities and market opportunities. Based on the economic activities in the region and the characteristics of Queretaro airport make suitable for study, particularly an analysis of the main current and potential characteristicsgood landside connectivity to Mexico City the passenger and cargo traffic at Queretaro Airport have good potential for growth of the business development of the region through the growth model of the airport. Therefore, the work aims to highlight the potentialeither via local based home carrier providing connections within Mexico and to major international destinations including long haul. aspects of the airport business model and the need to cope with it though an Airport Master Plan (AMP) based on a long-termThe airport has a solid infrastructure base, a long runway capable to accommodate almost all aircraft types for domestic and vision strategy towards 2040-2050. The approach integrates the international, national and regional trends related to aviation, andinternational traffic and cargo; MRO services, aircraft parts manufacturing facilities, an aviation university as well as the the perspective of global growth as driver of connectivity for commercial and cargo aviation. It has been found that the airport has andevelopment of commercial services for passengers and in the surrounding communities. Queretaro Airport is capable to move fast interesting and challenging portfolio of activities and market opportunities. Based on the economic activities in the region and thebased on its current portfolio of activities, facilities, and scheduled modifications of the terminal, etc. We can assume that airlines good landside connectivity to Mexico City the passenger and cargo traffic at Queretaro Airport have good potential for growthwill be looking for new opportunities to serve the Mexican market at large and the Mexico City area in particular. Dedicated airlines either via local based home carrier providing connections within Mexico and to major international destinations including long, to speed up development of landside commercial services (hotel, landside transportation to Mexico City) will position The airport has a solid infrastructure base, a long runway capable to accommodate almost all aircraft types for domestic andQueretaro Airport to benefit from this new traffic and cargo; MRO services, aircra
The development of sustainable aviation turns out to be a 30 year transition process. How to manage this transition process is a crucial for the change and success of the aviation sector in future. The foreseen solutions are mostly driven by technological innovation and improvements of procedures and regulations. The question is if these tools are sufficient to manage the innovation of an entire sector with 100 years legacy or are changes in business models, societal values and human behaviour part of the instrument mix aviation can use? New or adapted innovation models and tools are needed to use the full mix of instruments. The article explores the use of a modified Cyclic Innovation Model which is developed by researchers of TU Delft. The development of Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam and the outlook for its next 100 years is used as a case to understand the complexity of sustainable airport development.
Visit Zuid-Limburg, Koninklijke Horeca Nederland and Hiswa/Recron have asked Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) to conduct an exploratory research into the possible impacts of aircraft noise on tourism and recreation in the Southern part of Limburg province, Netherlands, in relation to the current and future exploitation of Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA). Tourism and recreation are key economic sectors in the characteristic landscape of Southern Limburg. Goal of the project is to review the state-of-the-art of knowledge on aircraft noise impacts on tourism and recreation, and to survey potential visitors of the area on their attitudes towards aircraft noise, in order to map the potential impacts on tourism and recreation in Southern Limburg.Clients: Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, Hiswa-Recron, Visit Zuid-Limburg