Key takeaways from the project underscore the importance of fostering long-term collaborations between technical experts, communities, and institutional partners. By integrating technical innovation with human-centred design, the SUSTENANCE project has not only advanced renewable energy adoption but also established a framework for empowering communities to actively participate in sustainable energy transitions. Moving forward, the lessons learned, and solutions developed provide a solid foundation for addressing future challenges in energy system decarbonization and resilience.
In dit artikel worden de mogelijke gevolgen belicht van de introductie van nieuwe en bestaande toepassingen van Bitcoin-technologie. De transnationale, decentrale en gedistribueerde peer-to-peer-structuur van de Bitcoin-technologie en van nieuwe toepassingen hiervan, hebben de potentie om bestaande sociale relaties en instituties te ontregelen. Het krachtenveld waarin maatschappelijke actoren staan kan hierdoor uit balans worden gebracht. De meest radicale van deze nieuwe technologieën is Ethereum. Met name het concept van de Digital Autonomous Organisation (DOA) heeft mogelijkerwijs verregaande consequenties. Ethereum is een ‘contract validating and enforcing system’, een gedistribueerd systeem dat een platform biedt voor autonome computerprogramma’s die in staat zijn om zelfstandig overeenkomsten met rechtspersonen en andere DOA’s aan te gaan en te ontbinden. Ik richt mij op de mogelijkheden van deze toepassingen als nieuwe platformen voor International Financial (Cyber) Crime.
Food and the city has never been a more urgent theme than today, and The European Union’s priority to commit to innovation in this field will certainly enhance its economic and external strength and improve its competitive position in the world of food and life sciences. Europea Netherlands held a seminar on this topic in May 2016, during the Dutch EU presidency.To be part of this international endeavour, the Netherlands need to strengthen the digital market, support innovation in the internal market, boost domestic policy reforms, and embed their knowledge and skills in a European society that challenges itself and continues to innovate. The Netherlands is a global player in the agro, food and horticultural sector and a major player in the export market of agricultural products. This sector is one of its main economic pillars. New knowledge is being developed as we speak, which is also an export product in high demand, providing sizeable employment. This is only possible because the sector is innovative and remains up-to-date. The peri-urban areas in the Netherlands (both urban and rural areas) are characterized by high population density. This necessitates thinking about manufacturing, food, logistics and water management(circular economy). Land-based education and life sciences in the Netherlands may appear to be specific, yet it is broad too: the primary sectors are included, as well as the manufacturing businesses and services associated with it. Participants learn to work in an innovative sector in a society in transition, bringing together multiple disciplines (cross-overs) and stakeholders. This education is practical and has a strong connection to the industry. During the Europea seminar five professorships, installed by the ministry of Economic Affairs, focused on transitions in the agro and food sector. The five professorships are posted at the Dutch Agricultural Universities of applied sciences, including teacher education for sustainable connected learning and development for professional education and business communities.