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Hoe dichters dichten sullen ende wat sie hantieren sullen (ca. 1330) van Jan van Boendale leent zich bij uitstek om scholieren een literair-wetenschappelijk onderzoekje te laten doen. In deze tekst legt Boendale uit waaraan een goed verhaal en een goede schrijver moeten voldoen. Zijn puntsgewijze uitleg zorgt voor een helder en begrijpelijk betoog. Hiermee kan de leerling zelfstandig aan de slag met een middeleeuws literair boek: hoeveel 'Boendale-aspecten' vind je terug in de door jou gekozen tekst? Hoe meer aspecten je ziet, hoe beter het verhaal past binnen de middeleeuwse poëtica, hoe mooier de middeleeuwers het verhaal gevonden hebben.
Introduction: Integrating web-based or mobile components and face-to-face components within a treatment process is called blended care. As part of the participatory development of a blended physiotherapeutic intervention for patients with low back pain (e-Exercise LBP), a proof of concept study was carried out and showed promising results.Objective: To investigate the feasibility of the e-Exercise LBP prototype for patients and physiotherapists to improve the intervention.Methods: A mixed methods study was executed, embedded in the development phase of e-Exercise LBP. 21 physiotherapists treated 41 patients with e-Exercise LBP. Quantitative data consisted of: patients’ satisfaction on a five-point Likert Scale; patients’ and physiotherapists’ experienced usability of the web-based application (System Usability Scale) and; patients’ experiences with e-Exercise LBP (closed-ended questions and statements related to the elements and goals of e-Exercise LBP). Semi-structured interviews about experiences with e-Exercise LBP were conducted with seven patients and seven physiotherapists. Qualitative data were analyzed by a phenomenological approach. Quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics.Results: Patients were satisfied with e-Exercise LBP (mean: 4.0; SD:0.8; range: extreme dissatisfaction (1)-extreme satisfaction (5)). Usability of the web-based application was acceptable (patients: mean: 73.2 (SD:16.3); physiotherapists: mean: 63.3 (SD:12.0); range: 0–100). Interviews revealed that physiotherapists’ training is essential to successfully integrate the web-based application and face-to-face sessions within physiotherapy treatment. Also, patients addressed the need of reminder messages to support long-term (exercise) adherence.Conclusion: e-Exercise LBP appeared to be feasible. However, various prerequisites and points of improvement were mentioned to improve physiotherapists’ training and the prototype.