Social impacts of living in high-rise apartment buildings: The effects of buildings and neighborhoods
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The Urban Belonging Photo App: A toolkit for studying place attachments with digital and participatory methods
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The conceptualisation of vital communities related to ageing in place
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The first 15 min in art therapy
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Definitions, key themes and aspects of ‘ageing in place’
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How client attachment affects information verification in commercial valuation practice
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The impact of self‐concept and place attachment on migrants' travel
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From location and (non)place to place attachment and sense of place
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Winning the war on talent through amenities? Exploring the potential of leisure as a source of place attachment
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De alledaagse omgeving als plaats waar je telt:
De bijdrage van het primair onderwijs aan de verbondenheid van kinderen met hun leefomgeving.
The Hedwige-Prosper Polder as a future-oriented experiment in managed realignment: integrating saltmarshes in water safety.