Interview with German Media Theorist Annekathrin Kohout about her Book Nerds, K-pop and Cuteness
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De virtuele venue: geen ontkomen aan?
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4*4 PitStop method for pop-up professional (learning) networks
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Online stagebegeleiding in de praktijk
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Co-creation and co-design in pop-up stores
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Fashionable Interventions: The Pop-up Store as Differential Space
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Transfer in de tweedegraads lerarenopleidingen
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Exploring the relation between work domains and work-related learning: the case of the Dutch police force
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Meerstemmig kunst leren: effecten van een verrijkte leeromgeving op inclusievaardigheden van studenten aan kunstvakdocentopleidingen
Preserving tango and securing its continuation as vivid, contemporary music: a mixed method research design with creative outcomes