BACKGROUND: Asset-based approaches have become popular in public health. As yet it is not known to what extent health and welfare professionals are able to identify and mobilise individual and community health assets. Therefore, the aim of this study was to understand professional's perceptions of health and health assets.METHODS: In a low-SES neighbourhood, 21 health and welfare professionals were interviewed about their definition of health and their perceptions of the residents' health status, assets available in the neighbourhood's environment, and the way residents use these assets. A Nominal Group Technique (NGT) session was conducted for member check. Verbatim transcripts of the semi-structured interviews were coded and analysed using Atlas.ti.RESULTS: The professionals used a broad health concept, emphasizing the social dimension of health as most important. They discussed the poor health of residents, mentioning multiple health problems and unmet health needs. They provided many examples of behaviour that they considered unhealthy, in particular unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Professionals considered the green physical environment, as well as health and social services, including their own services, as important health enhancing factors, whereas social and economic factors were considered as major barriers for good health. Poor housing and litter in public space were considered as barriers as well. According to the professionals, residents underutilized neighbourhood health assets. They emphasised the impact of poverty on the residents and their health. Moreover, they felt that residents were lacking individual capabilities to lead a healthy life. Although committed to the wellbeing of the residents, some professionals seemed almost discouraged by the (perceived) situation. They looked for practical solutions by developing group-based approaches and supporting residents' self-organisation.CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows, firstly, that professionals in the priority district Slotermeer rated the health of the residents as poor and their health behaviour as inadequate. They considered poverty and lack of education as important causes of this situation. Secondly, the professionals tended to talk about barriers in the neighbourhood rather than about neighbourhood health assets. As such, it seems challenging to implement asset-based approaches. However, the professionals, based on their own experiences, did perceive the development of collective approaches as a promising direction for future community health development.
In this thesis, a Dutch version of the Brief IPQ is presented to assess IPs in daily physiotherapy practice in The Netherlands. Further, a literature overview of the existing associations and prognosis of IPs on MSP and functioning is presented, and these associations in primary physiotherapy care in The Netherlands are explored. The impact of a matched care physiotherapy package, matched to dysfunctional IPs, and MSP and physical functioning is studied. In this thesis, three themes (ie. measurement, association / prediction and treatment) are explored for their contribution to physiotherapy management of MSP in general, and especially for low back pain
This article examines China's public diplomacy strategy within Japan. The size and complexity of China renders the management of the country's image a challenging undertaking in any context, particularly so within Japan where the weight of historical issues between the two countries presents a significant obstacle to any attempts to implement image enhancement initiatives. A purposive sample of expert respondents were asked to give their perceptions of the impact of China's public diplomacy strategy in Japan. The results suggest that the level of success achieved to date has been low, although recent visits to Japan by Chinese leaders have been relatively well received in Japan, which may form the basis for better future outcomes for China's public diplomacy in Japan.
The impacts of tourism on destinations and the perceptions of local communities have been a major concern both for the industry and research in the past decades. However, tourism planning has been mainly focused on traditions that promote the increase of tourism without taking under consideration the wellbeing of both residents and visitors. To develop a more sustainable tourism model, the inclusion of local residents in tourism decision-making is vital. However, this is not always possible due to structural, economic and socio-cultural restrictions that residents face resulting to their disempowerment. This study aims to explore and interpret the formal processes around tourism decision-making and community empowerment in urban settings. The research proposes a comparative study of three urban destinations in Europe (The Hague in the Netherlands, San Sebastian in Spain and, Ioannina in Greece) that experience similar degree of tourism growth. The proposed study will use a design-based approach in order to understand tourism decision-making and what empowers or disempowers community participation within the destinations. Based on the findings of primary and secondary data, a community empowerment model will be applied in one the destinations as a pilot for resident engagement in tourism planning. The evaluation of the pilot will allow for an optimized model to be created with implications for tourism planning at a local level that can contribute to sustainable destinations that safeguard the interests of local residents and tourists.
Tijdens de financiële crisis in 2008 ontstond er veel onzekerheid over taxatiewaarden van onroerend goed in Nederland. Doen taxateurs hun werk wel goed? Kunnen wij daar vanuit gaan als maatschappij? En wat houdt dat eigenlijk in, goed taxeren? In de nasleep van de crisis is de regelgeving in de taxatiesector aangescherpt. Tegelijkertijd weten we wetenschappelijk gezien vrij weinig van de wijze waarop taxateurs afwegingen maken in hun werk. Heeft aanscherping van regels dan wel nut?Doel Het vak van een taxateur bestaat voor een groot deel uit beeldvorming, oordeelsvorming en besluitvorming. Hij of zij maakt dus tijdens een taxatieopdracht veel keuzes; keuzes die van professioneel handelen getuigen of wellicht niet...? Als we de professionaliteit van taxateurs willen stimuleren, dan is het belangrijk om inzicht te krijgen in de onderliggende dynamiek van taxatieprocessen: wat verklaart het handelen van de taxateur? Welke patronen of belangen liggen daaraan ten grondslag? Het PhD onderzoek van Pim Klamer heeft als doel om het taxatieproces en de rol van de taxateur in dit proces te ontrafelen. Dat inzicht helpt om aanbevelingen te doen om professioneel handelen te stimuleren, bijvoorbeeld via taxatie-gerelateerd onderwijs. Bezoek de onderzoekerspagina van Pim Klamer. Resultaten In kader van onderstaande aanpak zijn de volgende artikelen gepubliceerd: Systematische literatuurverkenning naar het verschijnsel 'judgement bias', d.w.z. vooringenomenheid in oordeelsvorming in taxatieprocessen. Hieruit komt naar voren dat internationale studies een diffuus beeld geven van de mate van oordeelsbias bij taxateurs in hun werkzaamheden. Wetenschappelijke publicatie (Eng): Klamer, P., Bakker, C., & Gruis, V. (2017). 'Research bias in judgement bias studies – a systematic review of valuation judgement literature’, Journal of Property Research, 34(4), 285-304. Analyse van de mate van taakcomplexiteit in taxatieprocessen via gefundeerde theoriebenadering en diepte-interviews. Taakcomplexiteit wordt door taxateurs breed geïnterpreteerd, met inbegrip van omgevingsfactoren zoals de opdrachtgever en diens belangen. Verschillende typen taxateurs kennen verschillende typen taakomgevingen en gaan dus ook op verschillende wijze om met taakcomplexiteit in hun werk. De taakomgeving (zoals klantbelangen) kan zodoende van betekenis zijn bij de professionele oordeelsvorming van taxateurs. Wetenschappelijke publicatie (Eng): Klamer, P., Bakker, C. & Gruis, V. (2018) 'Complexity in valuation practice: an inquiry into valuers’ perceptions of task complexity in the Dutch real estate market', Journal of Property Research, 35(3), 209-233. Vakblad publicatie (Ned): Klamer, P., Bakker, C., & Gruis, V. (2019). 'Complexiteit in taxeren: Percepties van taakcomplexiteit in de Nederlandse taxatiesector'. Real Estate Research Quarterly, 18(3), 28-41. Casusgerichte enquête over de mate van klanthechting in informatieverificatie bij taxateurs. Klanthechting is empirisch vastgesteld bij taxateurs met makelaarservaring en/of een directiefunctie binnen hun organisatie. Klanthechting heeft als zodanig effect op de oordeelsvorming van taxateurs. Wetenschappelijke publicatie (Eng): Klamer, P., Gruis, V. & Bakker, C., (2019). 'How client attachment affects information verification in commercial valuation practice', Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 37(6), 541-554. Discussiepaper (Ned): Klamer, P. (2020). ‘Het effect van klanthechting op informatieverificatie bij taxeren’, ResearchGate, maart, 1-11. Analyse van de ideaaltypen van taxateurs via gefundeerde theoriebenadering en diepte-interviews. Taxateurs dienen drie taxateur-ideaaltypen in hun werk te integreren om tegemoet te komen aan diverse belanghebbenden. Deze ideaaltypen zijn de Expert, De Dienstverlener en de Rapporteur. De onderlinge ‘strijd’ tussen deze drie rollen kan effect hebben op de oordeelsvorming van taxateurs. Wetenschappelijke publicatie (Eng) en discussiepaper (Ned) volgen. Samenvatting proefschrift NL Looptijd 01 mei 2016 - 31 oktober 2020 Aanpak Het onderzoek is als volgt opgebouwd: Systematische literatuurverkenning naar het verschijnsel 'judgement bias', d.w.z. vooringenomenheid in oordeelsvorming in taxatieprocessen Analyse van de mate van taakcomplexiteit in taxatieprocessen via gefundeerde theoriebenadering en diepte-interviews Casusgerichte enquête over de mate van klanthechting in informatieverificatie bij taxateurs Kwalitatieve analyse van de ideaaltypen van rollen in taxeren via gefundeerde theoriebenadering en diepte-interviews Kwantitatieve analyse van roloriëntatie van taxateurs via een online enquête Dit promotieonderzoek vindt plaats in samenwerking met de Academie voor Vastgoed, een dochtermaatschappij van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Makelaars en Taxateurs o.g. (NVM). Opleidingen MSc Urban and Area Development
"Speak the Future" presents a novel test case at the intersection of scientific innovation and public engagement. Leveraging the power of real-time AI image generation, the project empowers festival participants to verbally describe their visions for a sustainable and regenerative future. These descriptions are instantly transformed into captivating imagery using SDXL Turbo, fostering collective engagement and tangible visualisation of abstract sustainability concepts. This unique interplay of speech recognition, AI, and projection technology breaks new ground in public engagement methods. The project offers valuable insights into public perceptions and aspirations for sustainability, as well as understanding the effectiveness of AI-powered visualisation and regenerative applications of AI. Ultimately, this will serve as a springboard for PhD research that will aim to understand How AI can serve as a vehicle for crafting regenerative futures? By employing real-time AI image generation, the project directly tests its effectiveness in fostering public engagement with sustainable futures. Analysing participant interaction and feedback sheds light on how AI-powered visualisation tools can enhance comprehension and engagement. Furthermore, the project fosters public understanding and appreciation of research. The interactive and accessible nature of "Speak the Future" demystifies the research process, showcasing its relevance and impact on everyday life. Moreover, by directly involving the public in co-creating visual representations of their aspirations, the project builds an emotional connection and sense of ownership, potentially leading to continued engagement and action beyond the festival setting. "Speak the Future" promises to be a groundbreaking initiative, bridging the gap between scientific innovation and public engagement in sustainability discourse. By harnessing the power of AI for collective visualisation, the project not only gathers valuable data for researchers but also empowers the public to envision and work towards a brighter, more sustainable future.