This study aims to identify factors that impact on the internationalisation of learning outcomes of programmes at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). The process of the articulation of learning outcomes has been studied at institutional, faculty and programme levels. Both document analysis and action research with trainers, managers and lecturers provided data for this study. The study describes the broader issue and the layers of contexts in which THUAS operates: the global, European, national, local and institutional. Within the latter two, several strategies are distinguished, i.e. research on employability skills of students and THUAS’ Educational vision. The strategies for internationalisation of learning outcomes at THUAS are then placed in an international perspective. The next section zooms in on current practice on the basis of self-assessment and management reports of THUAS faculties. The analysis of these reports is followed by more detailed observations from individual programmes. Analysis and observations are then connected to professional development for internationalisation of teaching and learning. Three elements of THUAS’ extensive programme for professional development are discussed in more detail. The study ends with the identification of priorities to internationalise learning outcomes across THUAS.
This chapter aims to place the employability related outcomes of this study in the context of other current employability studies. For this purpose, seven recently published employability studies were selected from a range of contexts and with different methodological approaches. Within the literature there is a distinction made between employment skills and employability skills. The former are limited to a specific profession or discipline (sector skills) while the latter are ‘transversal’ and apply to all professions. These skills go by other names such as ‘soft’, ‘generic’ or ‘transferable’ (Jones, forthcoming). The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) defines employability skills as follows: “The transferable core skills that represent functional and enabling knowledge, skills, and attitudes required in today’s workplace. They are necessary for career success at all levels of employment and for all levels of education”. (
The shortage for ICT personal in the EU is large and expected to increase. The aim of this research is to contribute to a better understanding of the roles and competences needed, so that education curricula can be better aligned to evolving market demand by answering the research question: Which competence gaps do we need to bridge in order to meet the future need for sufficiently qualified personnel in the EU Software sector? In this research, a mixed method approach was executed in twelve European countries, to map the current and future needs for competences in the EU. The analyses shows changes in demand regarding technical skills, e.g. low-code and a stronger focus on soft skills like communication and critical thinking. Besides this, the research showed educational institutes would do well to develop their curricula in a practical way by integration of real live cases and work together with organizations.
The Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG) is the first European partnership for building and improving a collaborative relationship between education and industry with regard to skills development in the fields of digital, green, and social skills. The NTG Alliance will provide employees, employers, entrepreneurs, teachers, trainers and students with a set of core modules in digital, green and social skills.Project Scope:a) To establish a Blueprint Strategy for Sectoral Skills Development in Tourism to respond to the fast changing and increasing skills gaps in digital, green and social skills sets.b) To define a scalable mechanism and model for sustainable and digital curricula between the industry and education providers at regional, national and European level.c) To create transformative cooperation in five key tourism sub-sectors: hospitality, food and beverage operations, travel agencies and tour operators, visitor attractions and destination management.d) To develop, deliver and test Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Skills Products for professionals, trainers, students, university tourism departments, local authorities, companies to respond to the fast changing and increasing skills gaps in digital, green and social skills sets