Acquiring financial support for children’s sports participation
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Understanding youth in sport
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The effect of hydration status on intracellular and extracellular water using bioelectrical impedance analysis measurements
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Socio-psychological perspectives on the potential for serious games to promote transcendental values in IWRM decision-making
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Analysis of the design and engineering- process towards a first prototype in the field of sports and vitality
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Human whole body cold adaptation.
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The Indoorisation of Outdoor Sports. An Exploration of the Rise of Lifestyle Sports in Artificial Settings
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Constructing authenticity in contemporary consumer culture: The case of lifestyle sports
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Strategic Marketing as Solution for Growing Uncertainties among National Non-Profit Sports Federations in the Netherlands
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Green Amsterdam Logsitics Area lab (GALA-lab)
Sustainable horse feeding management in the Netherlands: how to minimize environmental impacts.
Umwelt- und klimafreundliche Technologien in den Wassersportrevieren der Niederlande