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Behaviour Grid for Improving Safety in Industrial Environment




The Saxion University of Applied Sciences recently started the project “Safety atWork”. The objective of the project is to increase safety at the workplace by applyingand combining state of the art artifacts Ambient Intelligence, Industrial & ProductDesign and Smart Functional Materials [1].There is a human factor involved as well. Preliminary, safety is related to incidentshappening to persons who get injured or even die. In 97% of the cases where an injuryoccurs [2] that what happens is within someone’s control. Many incidents at work areoften the result of human behavior, how people interact with each other and howpeople cope with risks and guidelines. Industrial environments need to be organizedin such a way that people behave safely in an automatic way and that safety becomesa habit. Forcing safe behavior starts with safe products. However, in many cases thisis not sufficient, and incidents still occur. Therefore communication is often a moreeffective medium. One cost effective, asynchronous, and persisting way ofcommunicating to people is through ICT. The effort of changing behavior throughICT is called Persuasive Technology. In this paper we focus on ambient aspects ofsafety: influencing people in an invisible way to make industrial environments safer.Based on literature we work towards a model to systematically select measures toinfluence behavior to enhance safety. The model is a rudimentary framework still tobe filled out, which is the subject of our current research projects.

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