
Designing and realizing circular urban road renovation


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In this report the research focusses on designing a method to circularly redesign a road in neigbourhood participation.
Municipalities are becoming more aware of their environmental footprint. The construction andrenovation of public spaces come with the transport and processing of large volumes of concrete, clay bricks and asphalt. We are in the transition towards a circular economy. In the CityLoops project we propose the following composite definition for the circular economy, drawing on the work of different academics in the field.
What are the circular possibilities for materials and products available in the Griffiersveld pilot and how can this information be presented? Interviews with stakeholders have led to a list of requirements for the material passports and what information they should include. Existing and experimental material passports have been collected and analysed to see whether they meet the requirements. The construction materials on site are identified and circular possibilities of these materials are listed. Finally an advice is given for the municipality of Apeldoorn for a circular renovation approach.





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