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Discontentment as a revenue model




The belief in progress, and with it the short sustainability of contentment has colonized the world and forms a powerful revenue model behind (technological) innovation. Under the heading of Life-Long-Learning, it got another boost in education. In this article it is argued that letting people become discontented with what they used to be content has become the engine of our liberal economic revenue model. However, there is a lot to be discontent with, like with the fact that technology development is happening so fast that it places too much strain on our planet. Discontentment with the fact that it was already UK Overshoot Day on May 19 (on that day all the resources that the planet can produce in a year would have been consumed, if all the people in the world lived like the UK. Earth Overshoot Day always falls earlier each year, from December 29, 1970. Also discontent with the fact that everyone around me continues to claim that we are getting more and more sustainable technology, while in my view we are clearly mopping with the tap open. Time for a change that SDG and especially IDG offer.

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