
Fresh Brains for the healthcare sector


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In this presentation a comparison is made between the state of art of healthcare in the Netherlands compared to other European countries. Dutch healthcare is of a high quality, the Netherlands rank among the top in Europe, but in-patient costs are high. Expenditures are now almost 100 billion euros.
Therefor the Netherlands are facing quite some challenges: rising costs due to ageing, more chronic diseases, use of medication, long stay care etc and pressure on staff and waiting lists. Fresh brains (students Logistics from BUas) can help to improve healthcare and reduce costs. Lecturers and students work together in projects with the healthcare sector (learning communities) and students do their internship in various healthcare organizations (cure and care).
In this presentation two examples of graduation assignments are mentioned. One student did research on the implementation of barcodes on primary packaging of pharmaceuticals, another student did research on reducing the length of stay for patients with a hip fracture. They came with useful recommendations for improving patient safety, patient satisfaction and reducing costs.

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