
Introduction to the launching of the network "Supervision in the Bachelor and Master of Social Work in Europe"


On May 16th 2007 CESRT, Hogeschool Zuyd, took the initiative to organise an expert meeting on the subject of “Supervision in de Bachelor and the Master Social Work in Europe”. A group of supervision experts spent a whole day brainstorming and discussing supervision as a teaching method for practical training and professional development, “the state of the art” in Europe, and recent developments in the field. The expert meeting lead to the launching of a network for supervisors involved in Bachelor and Master (BaMa) Social Work programmes in Europe. The prime objective of the network is to exchange experiences and knowledge and furthermore to contribute to the development of supervision theory and practice in the BaMa Social Work.
This report examines the reasoning and motivation on the subject. It provides a summary of the main themes, perspectives and a list of participants.



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