
Representation of good care in (photo)-stories


Humans use metaphors in thinking. Most metaphors are visual. In processing information stimuli the mind depends partly on visual codes. Information is processed and stored through two channels: one for non-verbal information and another for verbal information. The two different areas of information in the brain are interconnected. The information is stored in patterns that form an inner representation of how individuals perceive their reality and their self. The active processing of new information, remembering and the self-image are related phenomena, that influence each other, sometimes leading to biased interpretation or even reconstruction of contents in each of these areas. Imagination, expectations and anticipations of the future and memories are the more active manifestations of this process.
In this process mimesis plays an important role. Mimesis is the imitation of reality in play, story-telling or creating images of how things should look like in the future. Through mimesis people can anticipate on roles in social life, or appropriate experiences from someone else and relate them to one’s own life story. When this happens the information is related to the self through processes of association and becomes ‘Erfahrung’.



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