
The predictive value of a study choice test


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Since 2016, it is mandatory for all future students at the department of Media, Information and Communication, to participate in a study choice test (SCT), prior their enrollment. However, the outcome is not binding and students are still entitled to enter the first year after receiving negative advice. With the help of a structural model, built for my PhD research, the predictive value of the SCT is tested by comparing the time it takes the students to finish all first year exams, their average grade point and attrition, against the results of the SCT. By using the structural model, various background variables are also measured, such as engagement, effort and commitment are also measured. By using the normed fit index (NFI), the comparative fit index (CFI), the Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), the fit of the model is established. In addition, a comparison of the direct and indirect influence of the SCT will provide more knowledge about the correlations between the different variables, the SCT and ultimately student success.

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