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Using Pull Strategy for Curricula Design on Entrepreneurship Education.




Universities are deeply involved in stimulating their students in entrepreneurship where they focus on designing programs based on existing knowledge form pedagogics and didactical concepts. Although the Total Entrepreneurial Activity is increasing, the results are not satisfying in all cases. The question arise were improvements can made in curriculum design approaches. Exploring recent developments in curriculum design and engaged scholarship anchor points may be found. The start of a traditional journey starts at the development of the adolescent (push approach). In this paper the start is from the other end, the terminal station of the educational process, the profession of the student (pull approach). The journey among the developments show that an anchor point for an alternative approach can be the context of the curriculum to be designed. Where the macro level is common over years, the micro (personal) level is starting attracting scholars attention. From the perspective of the meso level, a new context emerge. Engaging this context into the design process, better programs can be developed as technical start-up programs implicate. The questions addressed opens a new insights in the dynamic of the different professional domains. With these specific characteristics, the elements of a curriculum can be adopted to this and specific programs can be designed.

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