
Using teacher-generated tags of classroom situations to elicit mentor and pre-service teachers' practical knowledge

Title Part of the symposium 'International Perspectives on Mentoring in Practicum Settings'


In this AERA Division K symposium, 18 researchers from 7 different countries (China, New Zealand, France, Australia, Netherlands, Spain, and Canada) are brought together. The symposium provides the opportunity to engage and interact with international research efforts focussing on 'practicum pedagogies,' and in particular, mentoring in practicum settings. You will learn about the similarities and differences that motivate and challenge teacher educators from across the world for whom the principal concern is the quality of the field experience for both the student teachers and their practicum mentors.
As one of the contributions, the tagging study has a twofold objective. First, elicitation of mentor and pre-service teachers' conceptualizations of videotaped classroom situations to clarify similarities and differences between practical knowledge of experienced and novice teachers. Second, exploration of 'collaborative tagging' as a new method to access mentors and pre-service teachers' practical knowledge.



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