
Validity and Repeatability of the Sizestream 3D Scanner and Poikos Modeling System


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Three-dimensional (3D) body scanning becomes increasingly important in the medical, ergonomical and apparel industry. The SizeStream 3D body scanner is a 3D body scanner in the shape of a fitting room that can generate a 3D copy of the human body in a few seconds. The Poikos modeling system generates a 3D image of a person using a front- and side photo. This study evaluates the repeatability and validity of both systems with human subjects.
Hundred fifty-six participants were included in this study, of whom 85 were scanned twice by the SizeStream Scanner and 139 by the Poikos modeling system. The repeatability is assessed by calculating the intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and standard error of measurement (SEM),
and the validity of 6 Sizestream and 4 Poikos measurements is evaluated by comparing these measurements with collected tape measurements.
The ICC and the SEM results indicate that 79 of the 163 SizeStream measurements are repeatable enough to use for fashion purposes, since they had an ICC above 0.80 and a SEM below 10mm. Fifty-one measurements give a good indication but are not accurate enough for pattern making. The waist, chest and hip circumferences are valid after a correction of the over- or underestimation of the measurements. The Poikos modeling system is a promising, but is as expected, less repeatable and
valid than the SizeStream scanner. Although the Poikos modeling system can give a good estimation of the body shape, the measurements are not accurate enough (SEM > 10mm) to use in the fashion industry. Future studies have to be performed to validate more Poikos and SizeStream measurements and to assess the usability of these measurements for the fashion industry.

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