
KIEM-ce Catch me if you can


HZ University of Applied Sciences (HZ) together with Dutch SME’s Recycled Island Foundation and Upp! Upcycling Plastic will be executing a feasibility study into the most efficient and effective collection system of floating macro-plastics in the Mekong delta in Vietnam (floating passive litter traps, litter fishing, or other). All three project partners are (separately) already active in The Netherlands, Belgium, Indonesia and Vietnam in the field of environmental (practice based) research and development (among others in Living Lab settings with local universities and communities). This project aims at expanding cooperation between all three project partners including partners’ partners in the living lab network in Vietnam. The results of the feasibility study enables the research group Building with Nature of HZ acquiring experience in and expertise of a possible new research topic “reducing macro-plastics in water systems and re-using it in an effective and efficient manner”.
Moreover, the results of the project will enable both SME to expand their export opportunities and business to Asian countries, which severely suffer from increasing plastic waste.


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