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Creating and testing an innovative HRM VR service: “Experience your first day at work” for AEGON

Realizing and testing a Virtual Reality (VR) world based on the Aegon candidate journey, in order to provide candidates with a unique and innovative Aegon experience. In doing so, turn the Aegon application journey into a memorable experience and attract new types of employees. Aegon deals with a sector in which it is difficult to attract new type of young talent employees. Aegon is optimizing the ‘Aegon candidate experience journey’ to get the best candidates and let them feel being part of Aegon as from the start. To do this, it is important that Aegon digitally captures all important experience moments in the journey. The solution was to ‘Experience a day at Aegon in VR’. Creating an enriching Aegon customer experience journey, by means of real-time CG VR and 360o movies, so that candidates feel like having worked at Aegon. A cinematic based building experience is created in which a water based surrounding will slowly become the main hall of the Aegon building (experience the beauty and size of the main hall). In the building the candidate can access different 360O picture and movie experiences of important candidate touchpoints and feel present among Aegon staff. Research showed the added value of a VR experience compared to traditional media experiences.

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