Due to a lack of transparency in both algorithm and validation methodology, it is diffcult for researchers and clinicians to select the appropriate tracker for their application. The aim of this work is to transparently present an adjustable physical activity classification algorithm that discriminates between dynamic, standing, and sedentary behavior. By means of easily adjustable parameters, the algorithm performance can be optimized for applications using different target populations and locations for tracker wear. Concerning an elderly target population with a tracker worn on the upper leg, the algorithm is optimized and validated under simulated free-living conditions. The fixed activity protocol (FAP) is performed by 20 participants; the simulated free-living protocol (SFP) involves another 20. Data segmentation window size and amount of physical activity threshold are optimized. The sensor orientation threshold does not vary. The validation of the algorithm is performed on 10 participants who perform the FAP and on 10 participants who perform the SFP. Percentage error (PE) and absolute percentage error (APE) are used to assess the algorithm performance. Standing and sedentary behavior are classified within acceptable limits (+/- 10% error) both under fixed and simulated free-living conditions. Dynamic behavior is within acceptable limits under fixed conditions but has some limitations under simulated free-living conditions. We propose that this approach should be adopted by developers of activity trackers to facilitate the activity tracker selection process for researchers and clinicians. Furthermore, we are convinced that the adjustable algorithm potentially could contribute to the fast realization of new applications.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to validate optimized algorithm parameter settings for step count and physical behavior for a pocket worn activity tracker in older adults during ADL. Secondly, for a more relevant interpretation of the results, the performance of the optimized algorithm was compared to three reference applications Methods: In a cross-sectional validation study, 20 older adults performed an activity protocol based on ADL with MOXMissActivity versus MOXAnnegarn, activPAL, and Fitbit. The protocol was video recorded and analyzed for step count and dynamic, standing, and sedentary time. Validity was assessed by percentage error (PE), absolute percentage error (APE), Bland-Altman plots and correlation coefficients. Results: For step count, the optimized algorithm had a mean APE of 9.3% and a correlation coefficient of 0.88. The mean APE values of dynamic, standing, and sedentary time were 15.9%, 19.9%, and 9.6%, respectively. The correlation coefficients were 0.55, 0.91, and 0.92, respectively. Three reference applications showed higher errors and lower correlations for all outcome variables. Conclusion: This study showed that the optimized algorithm parameter settings can more validly estimate step count and physical behavior in older adults wearing an activity tracker in the trouser pocket during ADL compared to reference applications.
Purpose: The purposes of this study were, first, to (re)design the user-interface of the activity tracker known as the MOX with the help of input from elderly individuals living independently and, second, to assess the use of and experiences with the adapted Measure It Super Simple (MISS) activity tracker in daily life. Methods: The double diamond method, which was used to (re)design the user-interface, consists of four phases: discover, define, develop, and deliver. As a departure point, this study used a list of general design requirements that facilitate the development of technology for the elderly. Usage and experiences were assessed through interviews after elderly individuals had used the activity tracker for 2 weeks. Results: In co-creation with thirty-five elderly individuals (65 to 89-years-old) the design, feedback system, and application were further developed into a user-friendly interface: the Measure It Super Simple (MISS) activity. Twenty-eight elderly individuals (65 to 78-years-old) reported that they found the MISS activity easy to use, needed limited help when setting the tracker up, and required limited assistance when using it during their daily lives. Conclusions: This study offers a generic structured methodology and a list of design requirements to adapt the interface of an existing activity tracker consistent with the skills and needs of the elderly. The MISS activity seemed to be successfully (re)designed, like the elderly who participated in this pilot study reported that anyone should be able to use it.
Wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury (SCI) or amputation generally lead an inactive lifestyle, associated with reduced fitness and health. Digital interventions and sport and lifestyle applications (E-platforms) may be helpful in achieving a healthy lifestyle. Despite the potential positive effects of E-platforms in the general population, no studies are known investigating the effects for wheelchair users and existing E-platforms can not be used to the same extent and in the same manner by this population due to differences in physiology, body composition, exercise forms and responses, and risk injury. It is, therefore, our aim to adapt an existing E-platform (Virtuagym) within this project by using existing data collections and new data to be collected within the project. To reach this aim we intend to make several relevant databases from our network available for analysis, combine and reanalyze these existing databases to adapt the existing E-platform enabling wheelchair users to use it, evaluate and improve the use of the adapted E-platform, evaluate changes in healthy active lifestyle parameters, fitness, health and quality of life in users of the E-platform (both wheelchair users and general population) and identify determinants of these changes, identify factors affecting transitions from an inactive lifestyle, through an intermediate level, to an athlete level, comparing wheelchair users with the general population, and comparing Dutch with Brazilian individuals. The analysis of large datasets of exercise and fitness data from various types of individuals with and without disabilities, collected over the last years both in the Netherlands and Brazil, is an innovative and potentially fruitful approach. It is expected that the comparison of e.g. wheelchair users in Amsterdam vs. Sao Paulo or recreative athletes vs. elite athletes provides new insight in the factors determining a healthy and active lifestyle.