Paperbijdrage conferentie EARLI SIG 14, 11-14 september 2018, Genève Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) that offer Professional Studies (PS) are required to educate students to become starting professionals with research competence, that enable them to deal with challenging tasks that professionals face in a dynamic knowledge society (e.g. Heggen, Karseth, & Kyvik, 2010). To assess professional and research competence, students at UAS in the Netherlands mostly develop a professional product for an external bidder as their graduation project. The professional product is an artefact that is ideally representative for students’ future professions within a specific domain, e.g. a strategic advice within the economic domain (e.g. Losse, 2016). Due to the integrative and complex character of this task, supervision is essential and we thus need to understand what expertise supervisors need and which are good pedagogic strategies. However, little is known about graduation project supervision at UAS. This literature review aims at providing knowledge about graduation project supervision and at revealing what further inquiry on graduation project supervision should aim at, by answering the following questions: 1. What expertise do supervisors need and what is known about pedagogic strategies in graduation project supervision at UAS? 2. What should further inquiry after graduation project supervision at UAS aim at?
BackgroundInterprofessional collaborative practices (IPCP) are considered to be a crucial factor in the optimal support of young children (3–6 years) with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in inclusive early childhood education and care (ECEC).AimsTo investigate IPCP in interventions using a collaborative approach for young children with SLCN in ECEC, by identifying mechanisms within IPCP and how these mechanisms relate to specific context factors and professional and child-related outcomes.MethodsA realist review of 22 empirical intervention studies, published between 1994 and 2019, was conducted to synthesise context-mechanism-outcome (CMO) configurations, combining context factors, IPCP mechanisms and outcomes at staff and child level.Main ContributionReciprocal IPCP mechanisms were reported together with interprofessional intervention practices, whereas one-directional IPCP mechanisms were restricted to gains in professional development. Our review further suggests that collective ownership of intervention goals, combined with personal cooperation and communication skills of staff, is vital for inclusive practices and functional communication of children with SLCN.ConclusionOur review has revealed indications for effective IPCP mechanisms, context factors at staff level, and positive outcomes for the professional development of staff working with children with SLCN. In addition, our findings support a link between IPCP and child-related outcomes regarding speech, language and communication development. Future studies should increase our insight into how practitioners, children and families profit from daily collaborative practices.WHAT THIS PAPER ADDSWhat is already known on this subjectInterventions using a collaborative approach for young children (3-6 years) with SLCN in ECEC are considered to be part of the optimal support of these children.What this paper adds to existing knowledgeConducting a realist review of 22 empirical studies on collaborative intervention offered the possibility to identify specific context factors, IPCP mechanisms and professional and child-related outcomes and to synthesise CMO configuations. Findings suggest multiple routes from effective delivery of SLCN services to improvement of speech, language and communication development, supporting the suggested beneficial function of collaboration between multiple professions. Collective ownership of intervention goals, combined with personal cooperation and communication skills of staff, seems to be vital for inclusive practices and functional communication of children with SLCN. Reciprocal IPCP mechanisms were reported together with interprofessional intervention practices, whereas one-directional IPCP mechanisms were restricted to gains in professional development.What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work?High-quality collaborative intervention for children with SLCN in requires awareness of and critical reflection on IPCP mechanisms in order to improve outcomes for both professionals and children. Both, institutional structural support and individual communicative and cooperative skills are required to increase interprofessional collaboration with the aim to meet the needs of every individual child with SLCN.
In today’s foreign language (FL) education, teachers universally recognise the importance of fostering students’ ability to communicate in the target language. However, the current assessments often do not (sufficiently) evaluate this. In her dissertation, Charline Rouffet aims to gather insight into the potential of assessments to steer FL teaching practices. Communicative learning objectives FL teachers fully support the communicative learning objectives formulated at national level and embrace the principles of communicative language teaching. Yet, assessments instead primarily focus on formal language knowledge in isolation (e.g., grammar rules), disconnected from real-world communicative contexts. This misalignment between assessment practices and communicative objectives hampers effective FL teaching. CBA toolbox The aim of this design-based PhD research project is to gather insight into the potential of assessments to steer FL teaching practices. To this end, tools for developing communicative classroom-based assessment (CBA) programmes were designed and implemented in practice, in close collaboration with FL teachers. Rouffet's dissertation consists of multiple studies, in which the current challenges of FL education are addressed and the usage of the CBA toolbox is investigated. Findings reveal that assessing FL competencies in a more communicative way can transform teaching practices, placing communicative abilities at the heart of FL education.
Society continues to place an exaggerated emphasis on women's skins, judging the value of lives lived within, by the colour and condition of these surfaces. This artistic research will explore how the skin of a painting might unpack this site of judgement, highlight its objectification, and offer women alternative visualizations of their own sense of embodiment. This speculative renovation of traditional concepts of portrayal will explore how painting, as an aesthetic body whose material skin is both its surface and its inner content (its representations) can help us imagine our portrayal in a different way, focusing, not on what we look like to others, but on how we sense, touch, and experience. How might we visualise skin from its ghostly inner side? This feminist enquiry will unfold alongside archival research on The Ten Largest (1906-07), a painting series by Swedish Modernist Hilma af Klint. Initial findings suggest the artist was mapping traditional clothing designs into a spectral, painterly idea of a body in time. Fundamental methods research, and access to newly available Af Klint archives, will expand upon these roots in maps and women’s craft practices and explore them as political acts, linked to Swedish Life Reform, and knowingly sidestepping a non-inclusive art history. Blending archival study with a contemporary practice informed by eco-feminism is an approach to artistic research that re-vivifies an historical paradigm that seems remote today, but which may offer a new understanding of the past that allows us to also re-think our present. This mutuality, and Af Klint’s rhizomatic approach to image-making, will therefore also inform the pedagogical development of a Methods Research programme, as part of this post-doc. This will extend across MA and PhD study, and be further enriched by pedagogy research at Cal-Arts, Los Angeles, and Konstfack, Stockholm.
Taking artistic, creative and pedagogic experience as perspectives, the research will consider the embodiment of rhythm and duration as experienced by practicing musicians and utilized by composers, exploring neurophysiological questions such as how temporal resolution relates to human physiology, the relationship between speed and emotion and how musicians keep track of time. The expressive qualities of speed in music will be explored, taking into account practices of performance, composition and notation.
Werkplekleren is een belangrijk onderdeel van beroepsopleidingen. Toch weten we weinig over hoe de beroepspraktijk (community) het leren van studenten op de werkplek ondersteunt. Wij onderzoeken de begeleiding van studenten en beginnende beroepsbeoefenaren door opleiders op de werkplek.Doel De werkplek biedt een krachtige leeromgeving voor studenten om zich een beroep eigen te maken. Er is veel onderzoek gedaan naar werkplekleren, maar weinig is bekend over de wijze waarop begeleidingsstrategieën worden gehanteerd om het werkplekleren van beginners te ondersteunen. Het doel van dit promotieonderzoek is om meer specifiek inzicht te krijgen in begeleiding op de werkplek. We zoeken een antwoord op de onderzoeksvraag: hoe ondersteunt de beroepspraktijk het leren op de werkplek van studenten fysiotherapie en verpleegkunde? Resultaten Rondetafelgesprek Begeleiden van het leren op de werkplek tijdens de Onderwijs Research Dagen in Antwerpen, juni 2017. Posterpresentatie 'Pedagogic practices in vocational communities to support novices workplace learning' tijdens de EARLI-SIG-14 conferentie in Genève, september 2018. Bijdrage aan postersymposium 'Leren en begeleiden van beroepsonderwijs', 'Werkpplekleren begeleiden van beginnende beroepsbeoefenaren' tijdens de Onderwijs Research Dagen in Heerlen, juni 2019. Publicatie Ceelen, L., Khaled, A., & de Bruijn, E. (2019). Begeleiden van studenten op de werkplek. Onderwijs en Gezondheidszorg, 43(5), 12-15. Looptijd 01 september 2016 - 01 februari 2021 Aanpak Dit promotieonderzoek betreft een samenwerking tussen de OU en het lectoraat Beroepsonderwijs. De promotor vanuit de OU is prof. dr. Elly de Bruijn (ook lector Beroepsonderwijs), co-promotor is dr. Anne Khaled (tot september 2022 onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Beroepsonderwijs, nu aan het lectoraat Responsief Beroepsonderwijs (HAN) verbonden). Tijdens het promotieonderzoek voeren we een systematische literatuurstudie uit naar wat er al bekend is over het begeleiden van het leren op de werkplek van studenten en beginnende beroepsbeoefenaren. We voeren een veldstudie (met observaties en interviews) uit naar de begeleiding van studenten fysiotherapie en verpleegkunde tijdens hun stage.