
Intensity of daily physical activity – a key component for improving physical capacity after minor stroke?


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Purpose: Elucidating the complex interactions between physical activity (PA), a multidimensional concept, and physical capacity (PC) may reveal ways to improve rehabilitation interventions. This cross-sectional study aimed to explore which PA dimensions are related to PC in people after minor stroke.
Materials and methods: Community dwelling individuals >6 months after minor stroke were evaluated with a 10-Meter-Walking-Test (10MWT), Timed-Up & Go, and the Mini Balance Evaluation System Test. The following PA outcomes were measured with an Activ8 accelerometer: counts per minute during walking (CPMwalking; a measure of intensity), number of active bouts (frequency), mean length of active bouts (distribution), and percentage of waking hours in upright positions (duration). Multivariable linear regression models, adjusted for age, sex and BMI, were used to assess the relationships between PC and PA outcomes.
Results: Sixty-nine participants [62.2 ± 9.8 years, 61% male, 20 months post onset (IQR 13.0–53.5)] were included in the analysis. CPMwalking was significantly associated to PC in the 10MWT (std. ß ¼ 0.409, p ¼ 0.002), whereas other associations between PA and PC were not significant.
Conclusions: The PA dimension intensity of walking is significantly associated with PC, and appears to be an important tool for future interventions in rehabilitation after minor stroke

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