
Personal Lighting Conditions to Obtain More Evidence in Light Effect Studies


Research demonstrated a large variety regarding effects of light (e.g. health, performance, or comfort effects). Since human health is related to each individual separately, the lighting conditions around these individuals should be analysed individually as well. This paper provides, based on a literature study, an overview identifying the currently used methodologies for measuring lighting conditions in light effect studies. 22 eligible articles were analysed and this resulted in two overview tables regarding the light measurement methodologies. In 70% of the papers, no measurement details were reported. In addition, light measurements were often averaged over time (in 84% of the papers) or location level (in 32% of the papers) whereas it is recommended to use continuous personal lighting conditions when light effects are being investigated. Conclusions drawn in light effect studies based on personal lighting conditions may be more trusting and valuable to be used as input for an effect-driven lighting control system.