
Two Models of Engineering Education for the Professional Practice


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Two models for engineering education that may answer the needs for "Renaissance Engineers" are described in this paper. They were the outcome of an educational renewal project, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education and industrial companies. The first model (Corporate Curriculum) aims to bring Industry into the school, while the second model (I3) intends to bring the school into Industry. Both models have in common the ambition to educate students in an innovative, interdisciplinary and international oriented way (the 3 I s). This paper focuses on the two models, the different ways of implementation in the Fontys technology Institutes, the changes and improvements that have been made to the models, as well as the results of the educational experiments. The final results of the educational renewal project and the experiences with both models are presented here. Those experiences are very useful for developing new educational means for the future engineers in order to meet the fast developments of modern society.

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