
CO2Cap - CO2 from air capturing via a modified Schauberger system


Over the years, VanToor Systems GbR has studied Schauberger’s ideas and re-engineered the ´Sogwendel´,
and generated a mathematical model of its geometry, allowing the generation of 3-D printing volume models
in every scale.
However, the company is yet to understand the relation between this capacity and different geometries, as
well as other critical aspects, like energy consumption related to rotation rate and aeration capacity. CO2CAP
was structured to explore these aspects. As well as to understand whether a such system could be a good
option for future CO2 capturing devices.
Formulier eindrapportage KIEM GoChem
Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA Pagina 2 van 2
The objectives were to evaluate the performance of two different sogwendels regarding the correlation
between applied rotation (rpm) and pumping capacity; to evaluate the influence of sogwendel geometry on
pumping capacity and energy consumption; to evaluate the influence of the wet perimeter on pumping
capacity; to evaluate the power (and energy consumption) for each pumping (rpm) condition and evaluate
system basic aeration coefficients: KLa, SORT and SAE.
Results about the pumping capacity and the power consumption have provided a better understanding of the
system hydrodynamics. The bigger the inlet area of the Sogwendel the higher the pumping capacity, with a
relatively low increase in the power consumption. To improve the pumping capacity and set a further limit to
the maximum rotational speed, a more rigid test facility must be used to reduce the vibration levels during
rotation. Also, a more damage tolerant material for the test devices should be applied.
Tracer test experiments have shown a good performance of the system when compared to traditional aeration
systems. Lastly, the droplet breakup and spray plume experiments have shown a direct correlation between
rps and the area of the spray plume (parabolic) circumference.


Climate change is one of the most critical global challenges nowadays. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration brought by anthropogenic emissions has been recognized as the primary driver of global warming. Therefore, currently, there is a strong demand within the chemical and chemical technology industry for systems that can covert, capture and reuse/recover CO2. Few examples can be seen in the literature: Hamelers et al (2013) presented systems that can use CO2 aqueous solutions to produce energy using electrochemical cells with porous electrodes; Legrand et al (2018) has proven that CDI can be used to capture CO2 without solvents; Shu et al (2020) have used electrochemical systems to desorb (recover) CO2 from an alkaline absorbent with low energy demand. Even though many efforts have been done, there is still demand for efficient and market-ready systems, especially related to solvent-free CO2 capturing systems. This project intends to assess a relatively efficient technology, with low-energy costs which can change the CO2 capturing market. This technology is called whorlpipe.
The whorlpipe, developed by Viktor Schauberger, has shown already promising results in reducing the energy and CO2 emissions for water pumping. Recently, studies conducted by Wetsus and NHL Stenden (under submission), in combination with different companies (also members in this proposal) have shown that vortices like systems, like the Schauberger funnel, and thus “whorlpipe”, can be fluid dynamically represented using Taylor-Couette flows. This means that such systems have a strong tendency to form vortices like fluid-patterns close to their air-water interface. Such flow system drastically increase advection. Combined with their higher area to volume ratio, which increases diffusion, these systems can greatly enhance gas capturing (in liquids), and are, thus, a unique opportunity for CO2 uptake from the air, i.e. competing with systems like conventional scrubbers or bubble-based aeration.


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