Management policy for protected species is currently often based on literature reviews and expert judgement, even though it requires tailor-made species knowledge on a local level. While wildlife management should preferably be evidence based, tailor-made field data is seldom used in current practices, because it is hardly available, difficult to collect and expensive. Recent development of digital technology is changing the field of wildlife management with “more, better, faster and cheaper” ways of data collection. Especially automated collection of field data with different types of sensors is promising, whereas miniaturization and low cost mass-production increase availability and use of these sensors. For collection of field data about predator-prey interactions, there is a need to develop wireless sensor networks that automatically identify different species in a community, while they record their spatially explicit data and their behaviour. Therefore, we will put together a consortium of partners that will develop a EU LIFE programme proposal, with the focus to develop a sensor network necessary to automatically monitor multiple species (i.e., species communities) for species conservation management. The consortium will consist of Van Hall Larenstein, Sovon Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology, the Dutch Mammal Society, Sensing Clues and DIKW intelligence. It will bring together a strong mix of expert knowledge on applied species conservation and wildlife management, ecological field research, wildlife intelligence, and handling and analysis of big data. This project matches the Top sector High-tech Systems & Materials, and revolves around 4 distinct phases: selection of potential consortium partners, exploration of the problem, working towards a common action perspective and writing a EU LIFE programme proposal. We will use knowledge co-creation techniques to explore the first three project phases.
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