
RARITY: Rapid Antimicrobial ResIsTance in Yeast


Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), the ability of micro-organisms to resist antibiotics, is associated with ~4.9 million deaths globally, reported in 2022. In the EU alone, more than 35.000 people die from antimicrobial-resistant infections annually, resulting in loss of life as well as €1.5Bn/year in healthcare costs and productivity losses. Rapid diagnostics tests are needed, current testing takes between 24 hours to a few days (for slow growing microorganisms), delaying patient treatment and severely impacting treatment outcomes.

SoundCell BV have developed a technique (TRL5), for real-time detection of bacteria's viability in the presence of antibiotics. Nano-mechanical vibration of an ultrathin graphene sheet correlates to viability of bacteria immobilized on this sheet. Bacterial motion is transferred to this sheet, and movement of this sheet is tracked via a high-speed laser. Living bacteria produce a strong signal, which diminishes when antibiotics kill them. Unaffected by growth rates, results are achieved in one hour with this technique.

This technology opens up possibility for rapid diagnostics of antibiotic resistance in patients with infections of slow growing pathogens (such as mycobacteria and yeast). In such cases the time to result is slowest, significantly delaying effective patient treatment. We aim to validate this technique in our clinical microbiology laboratory.


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