
Secure, Efficient and Responsible Acquisition of vehicular data (SERA)


The value of data in general has become eminent in recent times. Autonomous vehicles and Connected Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), in particular, are rapidly emerging fields that rely a lot on “big data”. Data acquisition has been an important part of automotive research and development for years even before the advent of Internet of Things (IoT). Most datalogging is done using specialized hardware that stores data in proprietary formats on traditional hard drives in PCs or dedicated managed servers. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) throughout the world and specifically in the automotive sector is largely reliant on the data for the development of new and reliable technologies.

With the advent of IoT technologies, the reliability of data capture could be enhanced and can improve ease of real-time analytics for analysis/development of C-ITS services and Autonomous systems using vehicle data. Data acquisition for C-ITS applications requires putting together several different domains ranging from hardware, software, communication systems, cloud storage/processing, data analytics, legal and privacy aspects. This requires expertise from different domains that small and medium scale businesses usually lack. This project aims at investigating requirements that have to be met in order to collect data from vehicles. Furthermore, this project also aims at laying foundations required for the development of a unified guidelines required to collect data from vehicles. With these guidelines, businesses that intend to use vehicle data for their applications are not only guided on the technical aspects of data collection but also equally understand how data from vehicles could be harvested in a secure, efficient and responsible manner.


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