Digitally supported dietary counselling may be helpful in increasing the protein intake in combined exercise and nutritional interventions in community-dwelling older adults. To study the effect of this approach, 212 older adults (72.2 ± 6.3 years) were randomised in three groups: control, exercise, or exercise plus dietary counselling. The dietary counselling during the 6-month intervention was a blended approach of face-to-face contacts and videoconferencing, and it was discontinued for a 6-month follow-up. Dietary protein intake, sources, product groups, resulting amino acid intake, and intake per eating occasion were assessed by a 3-day dietary record. The dietary counselling group was able to increase the protein intake by 32% at 6 months, and the intake remained 16% increased at 12 months. Protein intake mainly consisted of animal protein sources: dairy products, followed by fish and meat. This resulted in significantly more intake of essential amino acids, including leucine. The protein intake was distributed evenly over the day, resulting in more meals that reached the protein and leucine targets. Digitally supported dietary counselling was effective in increasing protein intake both per meal and per day in a lifestyle intervention in community-dwelling older adults. This was predominantly achieved by consuming more animal protein sources, particularly dairy products, and especially during breakfast and lunch.
Exercise is one of the external factors associated with impairment of intestinal integrity, possibly leading to increased permeability and altered absorption. Here, we aimed to examine to what extent endurance exercise in the glycogen‐depleted state can affect intestinal permeability toward small molecules and protein‐derived peptides in relation to markers of intestinal function. Eleven well‐trained male volunteers (27 ± 4 years) ingested 40 g of casein protein and a lactulose/rhamnose (L/R) solution after an overnight fast in resting conditions (control) and after completing a dual – glycogen depletion and endurance – exercise protocol (first protocol execution). The entire procedure was repeated 1 week later (second protocol execution). Intestinal permeability was measured as L/R ratio in 5 h urine and 1 h plasma. Five‐hour urine excretion of betacasomorphin‐7 (BCM7), postprandial plasma amino acid levels, plasma fatty acid binding protein 2 (FABP‐2), serum pre‐haptoglobin 2 (preHP2), plasma glucagon‐like peptide 2 (GLP2), serum calprotectin, and dipeptidylpeptidase‐4 (DPP4) activity were studied as markers for excretion, intestinal functioning and recovery, inflammation, and BCM7 breakdown activity, respectively. BCM7 levels in urine were increased following the dual exercise protocol, in the first as well as the second protocol execution, whereas 1 h‐plasma L/R ratio was increased only following the first exercise protocol execution. FABP2, preHP2, and GLP2 were not changed after exercise, whereas calprotectin increased. Plasma citrulline levels following casein ingestion (iAUC) did not increase after exercise, as opposed to resting conditions. Endurance exercise in the glycogen depleted state resulted in a clear increase of BCM7 accumulation in urine, independent of DPP4 activity and intestinal permeability. Therefore, strenuous exercise could have an effect on the amount of food‐derived bioactive peptides crossing the epithelial barrier. The health consequence of increased passage needs more in depth studies.
De postdoc kandidaat, Tanja Moerdijk, zal op structurele wijze de reeds door haar gemaakte verbinding tussen het lectoraat Marine Biobased Specialties (MBBS) en de opleiding Chemie van HZ University of Applied Sciences verder uitbouwen en bestendigen. Streven is dat het MBBS Bioprospecten onderzoek zichtbaar is in alle studiejaren van de opleiding Chemie en praktijkcasuïstiek structureel ingebracht wordt in het curriculum. De postdoc is daarom betrokken bij alle studiejaren van de opleiding. Zij zal de ontwikkeling van een geïntegreerde onderzoeksleerlijn in het Chemie curriculum coördineren, welke gevoed wordt vanuit het MBBS onderzoeksprogramma waardoor inbedding van onderzoek in de opleiding wordt geborgd. Verdieping, overdracht en deling van kennis met betrekking tot het chemische smaak- en textuurprofiel van zeewier zal uitgevoerd worden door zowel postdoc als studenten door te participeren in het uitvoeren van praktijkgericht onderzoek aan (polymeer)moleculen uit zeewier in samenwerking met de zeewierproducenten. Deze kennis zal uiteindelijk bijdragen aan een duurzame productie en verwerking van zeewier tot eindproducten voor de consument. Omdat het onderwerp breed en maatschappelijke relevant is, creëert het bovendien de mogelijkheid voor andere opleidingen en onderzoeksgroepen om de verbinding eenvoudig te kunnen oppakken. De postdoc gaat de daadwerkelijke verbinding maken tussen onderzoekers, docenten en studenten. De postdoc ontwikkelt tevens projectleiderschapsvaardigheden door het volgen van een training en door lopende projecten binnen het MBBS onderzoek te benutten om samenwerking met (inter)nationale kennisinstellingen en bedrijven uit te bouwen. De postdoc zal begeleid en ondersteund worden in de uitvoering van haar activiteiten door lector en opleidingscoördinator (olc) (onder andere on the job en formele planningsafspraken), Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy (CoE BBE) alsmede het HZ kernteam CoE BBE (uitbouwen netwerk). Het personeelsbeleid en functiereeks onderwijs en onderzoek van de HZ voorzien in de ontwikkelingsmogelijkheid van de postdoc.
Proteins are nature-derived molecules that have found wide applications in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and biocatalysis. A major limitation for the use of proteins in such applications is their lack of stability. This is due to the disruption of the tertiary structure of a protein, which is responsible for the function of a protein. Earlier studies have shown that three cysteine residues, which are strategically incorporated in the sequence, can be crosslinked with a tris-electrophile. This so-called in situ cyclization of proteins (INCYPRO) results in the rigidification of the protein structure and ultimately higher stability of the protein. For some proteins, it would be beneficial to use another amino acid residue for modification as cysteine residues can be important for the function of a protein, e.g. as disulfide bridges or as active sites residues. In this project, we will develop crosslinkers that are selective for methionine residues. Although these amino acids contribute to the function of proteins in biological systems, they are less important for the molecular function of proteins, thus making them suitable for crosslinking of proteins. Our plan is to first develop a set of trisfunctionalized crosslinkers that selectively react with the thioether functional group of methionine. Next, we will investigate the crosslinking conditions on the model protein (KIX domain) as a proof of concept. In the final step, we would like to prove that the function of the protein is retained by crosslinking the transpeptidase enzyme sortase A.