When an adult claims he cannot sleep without his teddy bear, people tend to react surprised. Language interpretation is, thus, influenced by social context, such as who the speaker is. The present study reveals inter-individual differences in brain reactivity to social aspects of language. Whereas women showed brain reactivity when stereotype-based inferences about a speaker conflicted with the content of the message, men did not. This sex difference in social information processing can be explained by a specific cognitive trait, one's ability to empathize. Individuals who empathize to a greater degree revealed larger N400 effects (as well as a larger increase in γ-band power) to socially relevant information. These results indicate that individuals with high-empathizing skills are able to rapidly integrate information about the speaker with the content of the message, as they make use of voice-based inferences about the speaker to process language in a top-down manner. Alternatively, individuals with lower empathizing skills did not use information about social stereotypes in implicit sentence comprehension, but rather took a more bottom-up approach to the processing of these social pragmatic sentences.
Embedded connected computers are installed in homes in increasing numbers in the form of consumer IoT devices. These devices are often insufficiently protected against cyberattacks. In this research report, we propose several security requirements for consumer IoT devices. These requirements are suitable for enforcement through legislation and will significantly improve consumer IoT cybersecurity when implemented.This research report, commissioned by the Dutch Radiocommunications Agency, describes a threat model and significant security problems, derived from literature research. These assisted in evaluating more than 400 security measures, after which the top measures were summarised into eight essential security requirements. These requirements are easy to implement, easy to test, unambiguous, and greatly improve the cybersecurity of the products. We recommend standardisation agencies to make these requirements mandatory for all consumer IoT devices.
While research has shown the multiple benefits of single-bed patient rooms in hospitals, amongst which the experience of privacy and dignity, the majority of patient rooms in existing hospitals are shared. Transforming them into single-patient rooms can be time-consuming, costly or even impossible, which motivates this study looking into privacy in multiple-patient rooms. To share a hospital room, means to share sensitive information with total strangers. This may cause uncomfortable situations for both patients. Furthermore, the awareness of other ears in the room can withhold some patients from sharing important information during daily ward rounds The aim of this study was to investigate the acoustic effect and the acceptance of an adjustable sound masking system in a 4-bed patient room. The objective of the system is that when a doctor shares personal information with one patient, the other patients in the room are not able to understand the conversation.