Over 40% of nursing home residents in the Netherlands are estimated to have visual impairments. In this study, light conditions in Dutch nursing homes were assessed in terms of horizontal and vertical illuminances and colour temperature. Results showed that in the seven nursing homes vertical illuminances in common rooms fell significantly below the 750 lx reference value in at least 65% of the measurements. Horizontal illuminance measurements in common rooms showed a similar pattern. At least 55% of the measurements were below the 750 lx threshold. The number of measurements at the window zone was significantly higher than the threshold level of 750 lx. Illuminances in the corridors fell significantly below the 200 lx threshold in at least three quarters of the measurements in six of the seven nursing homes. The colour temperature of light fell significantly below the reference value for daylight of 5000 K with median scores of 3400 to 4500 K. A significant difference in colour temperature was found between recently constructed nursing homes and some older homes. Lighting conditions of the examined nursing homes were poor. With these data, nursing home staff have the means to improve the lighting conditions, for instance, by encouraging residents to be seated next to a window when performing a task or during meals.
The Dutch conservation area Oostvaardersplassen was initiated as a rewilding project within the Netherlands’ protected area network. It came under the spotlight when management strategies and practices were criticized by scientists, conservation practitioners, and the public, from a number of perspectives – not all of which were compatible. This article reviews the origin, evolution, and application of the rewilding concept and examines the Oostvaardersplassen project as a case study. Our assessment demonstrates that the area was never an appropriate site for rewilding, beset by rudderless management, and led to a situation that was ecologically and ethically untenable. The case study is used to illustrate humanity’s evolving role in environmental protection where advances in the understanding of ecological complexity, animal behavior, and sentience, cannot be ignored when addressing environmental protection, problem solving, and management. Finally, it lays out options for the future in the absence of the three Cs of rewilding, the Cores, Corridors, Carnivores, and introduces the concept of the fourth C, Compassion. https://ijw.org/learning-to-rewild/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helenkopnina/
Given that it is essential for hotels to understand how guests experience hospitality, hotel managers need more concrete and tangible insights into this issue to improve their service. Quantitative research on experience of the physical environment and employee contact has shown that the comfort of hotel rooms and an inviting ambience are the factors that most influence guest loyalty. This exploratory paper employs verbal and visual association methods to translate comfortable and inviting into tangible sensory characteristics. Results show association of comfortable with lingering, sitting, resting, natural colours, rounded-off rectangles, and multiple layers. By contrast, inviting is associated with common (meeting) areas such as corridors, white, grey, transparency, and colourful accessories. Visual dataproved suitable for identifying tangible (sensory) characteristics, and delivering concrete recommendations for improving invitingness and comfort.
ATAL: Automated Transport and Logistics Automatisering van transportmodaliteiten is overal ter wereld gaande. Met een Duurzaam Living Lab kunnen multimodale geautomatiseerde transportoperaties verder in de praktijk duurzaam en opschaalbaar worden ontwikkeld. Hierbij worden beleidsmakers en organisaties ondersteund in deze transitie. De maatschappelijke voordelen van grootschalige uitrol van Automated Trucks en Platooning, Automated Train Operations en Autonomous Sailing zijn onder andere minder energieverbruik en emissies, betere doorstroming en betere verkeersveiligheid. De Duurzame Living Lab heeft betrekking op het haven-achterland vervoer van Rotterdam richting Duitsland en België. Het wegvervoer maakt gebruik van de TULIP-Corridor, water en spoor modaliteit volgen de MIRT goederencorridors tot in het Ruhrgebied.
The developments of digitalization and automation in freight transport and logistics are expected to speed-up the realization of an adaptive, seamless, connected and sustainable logistics system. CATALYST determines the potential and impact of Connected Automated Transport (CAT) by testing and implementing solutions in a real-world environment. We experiment on smart yards and connected corridors, to answer research questions regarding supply chain integration, users, infrastructure, data and policy. Results are translated to overarching lessons on CAT implementations, and shared with potential users and related communities. This way, CATALYST helps logistic partners throughout the supply chain prepare for CAT and accelerates innovation.
The developments of digitalization and automation in freight transport and logistics are expected to speed-up the realization of an adaptive, seamless, connected and sustainable logistics system. CATALYST determines the potential and impact of Connected Automated Transport (CAT) by testing and implementing solutions in a real-world environment. We experiment on smart yards and connected corridors, to answer research questions regarding supply chain integration, users, infrastructure, data and policy. Results are translated to overarching lessons on CAT implementations, and shared with potential users and related communities. This way, CATALYST helps logistic partners throughout the supply chain prepare for CAT and accelerates innovation.